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Quit cigarettes yet still smoke pot

I've always been confused by this as you're not helping your lungs but its your choice. You either smoke or you don't smoke. I just had someone ask for help with quitting pot and Allen carr easyway is my recommendation.  For anyone else looking for help but wants to remain anon here. Always remember, the truth will set you free

Top Tips How to Quit Smoking Marijuana / Weed / Cannabis and Tobacco - Allen Carr's Easyway 

4 Replies

Hi WhispersQSMB sorry I first wrote that I was glad you were quitting pot...but then I realize you are sharing an article on quitting pot for others...Thank you for sharing...glad this isn’t my issue...~ Colleen 401 DOF 


Ive smoked pot in my day but its been a long time for that, this is for any others that are cautious to talk about it on a quit smoking site. IMO i don't think pot is that bad but if lung health is an issue they have to quit smoking it or goto edibles. This should help them if they want help 


I have on occasion thought about it as it becomes legal in more places, but I don't want to reintroduce any smoke into my lungs.  I think if I were ever tempted in that direction I'd go for edibles.


Thanks for sharing YOUR experience strength and HOPE with ME and teaching ME to remain open minded to keep learning and growing and HEALING inside MY heart and soul and spirit - aha the lessons in MY rigorous SELF honesty - please I am talking about ME not anyone else - please take what HELPS and let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you - I was TAUGHT to REMEMBER and to PRACTICE - Only by God's grace....and.......but for the grace of God go I ......taught to ME long long LONG ago -  when I was WRONG and had to admit MY ignorance .......this was passed on to ME - just recently - because I judged someone addiction last was SUGGESTED -  I go to an ALANON 12 step support group for ME - and this was passed on to one knows another's heart suffering said by an ANONYMOUS thank YOU so much for the article that leads to a solution - gentle hug