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Slippery Slope

What if I have just one sickerette a day? Isn't that safer than 20 a day?

Well, no....

Light smoking is worse than many health professionals or smokers realize. The study authors, which included Professor Allan Hackshaw of the Cancer Research UK and UCL Cancer Trials Centre at University College London, estimated the relative risks of smoking one, five, or twenty cigarettes (an entire pack) a day.

They expected the health risk of one cigarette to be five percent of the risk of smoking 20 (one divided by 20; this is true for lung cancer risk). But they found that men who lit up just one cigarette a day had 46 percent of the increased heart disease risk and 41 percent of the excess stroke risk associated with smoking a pack a day. For women, smoking one cigarette a day accounted for 31 percent of the heart disease risk and 34 percent of the stroke risk of smoking 20 cigs.

Smoking One Cigarette a Day Is Way Worse than Experts Thought - VICE 

Cutting back is not the goal! N.O.P.E. Not One Puff Ever!

5 Replies

Very interesting Thomas. Not One Puff Ever becomes even more important.


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NO cigarette is a good cigarette...this says a lot...Thank you ....~ Colleen 401 DOF 

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Funny that they did a study on this.  I wonder, too, how ANYONE only smokes one cigarette a day. I know I would never stop at that.

Seems like it doesn't much matter, though - interesting!

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Thank you Thomas for another thought provoking blog post I know a couple of people that can smoke two or three a day and it doesn't appear to be an issue for them but it sure wouldn't work for me....

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Interesting.  Thanks for the brain spurring.

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