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Nicotine withdrawals: anxiety & depression

Hi everyone, I was a smoker for over a decade and moved onto Juul to quit. I was Juuling for a little over a year and decided to quit cold turkey. I have been nicotine-free for 3 weeks now but the physical and emotional toll the withdrawals has taken on me are unbearable. Has anyone else experienced panic attacks, heightened anxiety, and depression since quitting? It’s been weeks for me and I still have these symptoms.. any tips or suggestions on how to bear or survive are welcomed and appreciated. 

10 Replies

Hi and Welcome to Ex’s Jbc87 

Congratulations on 3 weeks of Freedom...even though you are quit 3 weeks, it is still early in the journey...and takes time for the body to heal after year’s of feeding your addiction.  Anxiety is a withdrawal symptom of quitting smoking.  That being said, if you already experience anxiety and depression when smoking and now it has gotten worse, you may want to speak to your Doctor and seek therapy.  I know I have learned breathing exercises and meditation for my anxiety.  Some experience worse and you may need meds.  That being said...your issues were being masked by smoking and now you have to deal with them head on...and I am so sorry hon, it isn’t easy, but can be done “one step at a time”...keep close to the support site and you will see many will reach out to help you.  Also, if you go to right hand corner and click on magnifier and type key words, “anxiety, depression, etc.,” there is some informative information.

Please keep us posted and keep close...You are not alone...Gotcha in my Thoughts ~ Colleen 307 DOF 


Thank you for your words of wisdom. The withdrawals were very intense. I sought medical attention immediately after quitting because I experienced my first panic attack. The tightening of the chest, rapid heart beat, high blood pressure, and shortness of breath. I honestly thought it was my time to go. I honestly didn’t know that it was the withdrawals that triggered my uncontrollable anxiety and depression. After a visit to Urgent Care, Emergency room and primary doctor it was concluded that my nerves were shot and my anxiety leveled were through the roof. I’m currently on anti anxiety meds and beta blockers.. I know this will be a long hard journey but hoping these panic attacks won’t be something I’ll have to deal with for the rest of my life. 

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In time you will be fine. I am glad you sought medical attention.  Keep going. You can do this. 

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Congratulations on 3 weeks of freedom.  It takes time.  Generally, it should ease up in 30-60 days but it is a continuous journey of learning to deal with the withdrawal. Education is the key to a successful quit. It makes it easier when you understand what youa re going through. Quitting is the easy part, staying quit takes work.  it would help if you did not focus on the withdrawal as much.  Distract /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=6c59....  Bottom line it does not happen overnight. I wish I had a magic answer to tell you when but it depends on you.  You have to mentally trust the process and know that what you are going through is worth it and it will not always be difficult. /blogs/Giulia-blog/2015/02/23/expectations-timelines-and-the-reality-you-create Exercising or doing things that you enjoy will increase your dopamine which you have lost due to not smoking.  In time you will find greater dopamine through music, nature, a good book, friendships, laughter, Just hold on until you get there.  In the meantime induldge in what makes you happy the most other than smoking.  Come here read study blog will be a distraction and educational at the same time. 


I wish I had known what I was getting myself into before quitting because I was not prepared and completely blind sided by the symptoms. I honestly thought It was the end of me ( virals and xrays were checked-looks normal). 


CONGRATS 3 WEEKS - WAY TO GO - Yahoooooooooo - GOOD JOB- gentle hug


Thank you, I’m trying! 

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It took me 7 weeks to not feel miserable. People here told me over and over that it would get better and it did. Now I'm in the 11th week, and for the past 3 weeks, I feel like a nonsmokerand I feel great! 2,100 cigarettes not smoked, $346.50 saved. Please don't stop before the miracle..


Same symptoms? Panic attacks and anxiety? I’ve felt this ball in my throat that doesn’t seem to go away. It’s hard to swallow or want to eat. 

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