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Give and get support around quitting


I've smoked for to long.

Been smoking since 13, now I'm 32. More than half my life. Child on the way. Need to be healthy. Need help. People to push me besides my fiancee, family and friends. Would like to have an outside voice to help push me along the way. 

9 Replies

Welcome to EX.  If you need a push, I hope we can give it to you.  Speaking for myself.  I will walk with you.  I will hold your hand, I will guide you, I will encourage you, I will support you.  I will listen to you. I will laugh, cry, pray with you. Quitting smoking takes so much of our inside strength than you can image that you will have to push yourself if necessary. Generally, when we push or pull someone it may not work out. You have to be willing to make the changes necessary not to smoke.  Only you can do that.  We can only help.  It will be a choice that only you can make.  Or maybe I will push you., by asking you to educate yourself about nicotine addiction. Nicotine Addiction 101  Another good information book to read is Allen Carr;s Easy Way to Quit Smoking can be found on the web pdf.  Quitting is not easy but Quitting is doable.  Many of us have. It takes a willing spirit to do what is necessary to not smoke. For mean it was by any means necessary.  NOPE no matter what will keep you free.  Quitting takes relearning your behavior. Quitting requires one to have an idea of how they are going to do it. My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX  Welcome again.  We are here to support you. 

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Welcome to the Ex.  If your serious about quitting, you've come to the right place.   Pick a quit date and spend your time here educating yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.  My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX   I used some aids to quit, but having the support from this community really made the difference.  We're a group of quitters, new and old, who want to share our success with others.  We'er proof that you can do it to--so jump on board.   We're here to listen and support you on your journey.


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I was pregnant 4 times and smoked through all of them. All of them were healthy but, looking back, I think they were all born addicted to nicotine. Very cranky the first few days and barely slept. I started smoking at 13 and quit at 61. Many people here smoked longer than you. Do it for yourself, and do it for your baby.


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I smoked for 52 years.  I tried many times to quit over the years.  Never could until I found this site.  We are here for you. Come here everyday.  Read everything you can about addiction to cigarettes.  If I did it you can too. Welcome.  

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Ex is here to support you. Your job? Keep talking, sharing about how you are getting along in your quit plan, what's bugging you, what seems to be working. Things like that. Also, it's your homework to read about nicotine addiction and what it does to you(plenty of info here on Ex) and read blogs--there are a lot of quitters here with their experience to share. You can do this one day at a time.

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Welcome to EX, read everything you can find about nicotine addiction and stay close to the site.  Education, support and your own commitment not to smoke again no matter what are vital to your quit.  Congratulations on your pregnancy, I was "lucky" because smoking made me vomit every time I was pregnant so it was not too hard to quit.  Unfortunately, I always went I have COPD and my kids are not little.  You don't need a push, you need support for your quit, you need to take this journey one day at a time...there are no shortcuts and sometimes your quit has to be one feeling at a time.  It will get easier.


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Read Alan Carr’s book.

would you want a child of your’s to start smoking? The answer of course is no.

you’ll get plenty of support here to help you in YOUR decision to stop smoking.

best of luck in your quit.

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When I was pregnant with my daughter I heard about birth defects caused by smoking it scared me to quit I pray the good Lord gives you strength to quit 

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