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Give and get support around quitting


At the time, doctors hadn’t yet discovered a clear link between smoking and lung cancer, and a majority of them actually smoked cigarettes.

When Cigarette Companies Used Doctors to Push Smoking - HISTORY 

My pediatrician smoked in his office in front of me and my mom after the exam room visits, back in the ‘70’s and early ‘80’s.I remember people smoking in the waiting room to see the doctor.

5 Replies

I remember when everyone smoked in hospitals.  Doctors, nurses and patients.  I never heard anyone say "It smells like smoke in here."  Amazing.


LUCKY STRIKES - CAMELS - non filters - 15 cents a pack - seemed EVERYONE used the DRUG NICOTINE back in the day and TODAY- 2019-  one pod of NICOTINE is equal to a 20 cigs with ONE hit of vaping - reported YESTERDAY on news in MY area -  by government official - they are MONEY focused - ALL those involved with businesses regardless if NICOTINE business OR medical businesses - with humansas their goals - humans  WHO choose of their OWN free will -  to vape or smoke or chew or snort - NICOTINE  - either businesses get some of the human's - thanks for sharing article - gentle hug 


History Repeats! They found another way to deliver the drug. Make them sick, sell them the treatment?Big pharma and tobacco both lobbied the government and doctors associations to promote cigarettes and smoking? When i first started smoking and someone would say what i just posted ... I'd roll my eyes and say what a nut! As i reflect and now an Ex Smoker i get so angry on how i fell into the trap. I even fell into the vaping for a short time thinking i was a quitter. I can only blame myself but i get upset like im sure most do when you realize you LET yourself get manipulated.

It just takes one puff


MY empathy is given - I fell right in and thought NOW I am ONE of the popular kids - cheeeezzzeeee - MY pride to be with the in crowd  - awe - then I read and learn and get some WISDOM - I received it - by self EDUCATION - and then thinking -  IF only sets in ME - wishing -  I knew then -  what I know now - OR - wishing - I NEVER smoked - it passes - I am OK inside NOW - gentle hug


My mother worked in an office where everybody smoked but her.  The had an old coffee can they would put their cigarettes in when they were done smoking.  She said when they took that lid of it smelled horrible.  She couldn't see why anyone would want to smoke.  My father smoked around all of us constantly.  My mother a non-smoker her whole life now has what is described as a smokers cough simply by inhaling 2nd hand smoke a lot of her life.