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Give and get support around quitting



This not smoking thing is hard but I’m trying how do u stop completely.

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4 Replies

The bottom line is not to ever take another puff no matter what is happening in your life. NOPE not one puff ever. 

Make a commitment not to ever touch one.  Do what is necessary even if it means changing people places and things Even if it means being away from your friends for a while.  Changing your routine for instance by walking in another direction away from smokers. It does not happen overnight.  It is not an event but a day to day journey making your quit a priority until it becomes natural.     Literally take smoking out of the equation and do something else. /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=f571...  You have to accept nicotine is a drug and a lot of other poisons in the cigarette can kill. Therefore has to be treated as such.   Know that you can do it and believe that you can.  Join a support group like this one and be willing to have an open mind to be flexible and use the comment and suggestion that help.  You.  It is your journey you get to choose how you travel.  There is no easy road. It is not a fight but it is work.  It is not by will power but the willingness to surrender and sacrifice never to touch a cigarette ever againPreparing with a plan and understanding your triggers is a start. My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX 


Hello and Welcome to Ex’s...Megs1204 

JACKIE1-25-15 Above me gave you some great information to get you started in your journey.  It takes work to quit smoking...but you are Worth get working...~ Happy Tuesday ~ Colleen 281 DOF 


Congrats on deciding to quit! You are in the right place for great support! I highly recommend the book “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking” by Allen Carr. Please stay close here - you can do this! 

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How are you doing with your quit? 

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