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Throwing Out the Baby with the Bathwater!

Psychology has shown in research after research that mindfulness and yoga are helpful to our minds, bodies and mental health. Yet there is a lawsuit to make it illegal in public schools. Shall we throw out the golden rule as well? When I was a kid we put on a Christmas pageant each year. Now teachers have to pick and choose to avoid religious connotation.I am a proponent of the Constitution but I think we go too far when we can't even do something of value because it is also practiced in a religion. What's your opinion?

The Crusade Against Mindfulness | Psychology Today 

4 Replies

Our Society has gone to a whole other level...anything you say and do, can be banned, misconstrued, etc., 

I would have loved to had mindfulness in school ... I suffered needlessly with anxiety...I now meditate, pray, and do yoga (sometimes)...and it helps me physically, mentally and socially...along with my anxiety...I just don’t get it Thomas3.20.2010 that we cut out this from the schools, but want to put a smoking area in some schools...geez...nuff said...Happy Sunday ~ Colleen 279 DOF 


We live in a very diverse society and along with that comes so many different beliefs, cultures and religions. It is not the teachers/school admins duty to decide what religion to be administered in a classroom or program etc.  I am a firm believer that the first school is at home.  Mind you, I grew up at a time when we prayed daily in school. I do understand an individual child/person being or feeling left out when a particular religion is professed in a public school forum.   

It was a long time before I ever did yoga because I thought it was like worshiping an idol.  As we grow we are better able to understand and accept other practices without throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  Mindfulness brought me to another level in my quit smoking journey where I learned to focus on the now moment (acknowledgment)of what was happening to me as I went through withdrawal.  Another good discussion. 


I think it is a shame that we are not a more diverse society, I would have loved to learn yoga and mindfulness in school,. I would also have loved to learn about different religions. Not because I was going to practice a different religion but because education about what religions there are is important to understanding others.  


For ME- just sharing MY experince - strength and HOPE - They - you mean -  some of the society of America- they murdered the baby long ago - there was NO bath given - MY opinion - dealing with MY life on life's terms - all the insane laws being made up as insanity takes it seat - ALL the murdering of unborn babies up to full term killings - ALL the billions of dollars given to support the insanity in a world where most of society REJECTS God in 2019 - yet most of society RAN TO CHURCH AND GOD on September 11th -- in the PAST - AND -  NOW 2019 -  most of society TOOK God out of everything - even some churches took the bible out and preach on top Christian NEW AGE - in the pulpits - putting on concerts -  instead of holding prayer groups to teach praying for OUR one nation under God - NOT TODAY its 2019 - FACT - society rejects God -  CHOICES made by - EACH INDIVIDUAL - is choosing of their OWN free will - to be their OWN god  - MY opinion which is JUST mine - take it or leave it - YOUR choice - Mine is to pray and ask MY God -  what HE would have ME DO- the world in 2019 that I live in -  I PRACTICE day by day - pray by remembering - to cross the bridges that come up to ME -  as I live ONE day at a time and so far I have NOT been confronted with - 2019 abuses to ME PERSONALLY - as far as SOMEONE telling ME - I will kill YOU - or being threatened because I am kind to a stranger and say hello or good morning and being met with a bullet in MY face - 2019 is REAL -  yes with most unbelievers by their OWN PERSONAL CHOICE - some Americans choose to support  taking God out of everything - YEARS AGO - subtle - cunning - confusing - things happening began  - now and again- worst news report was with drunk drivers or child pornography - etc - then began shootings of all kinds - horrid church shootings - and - NOW 2019 -  common sense is gone and some -   participants that are attending church or support groups that rent rooms from the church - deal with FACT- safety in 2019 - that the church board - must decide which security is best to keep everyone safe - lock the doors when service begins and a volunteer to stand at door - 2019 abuses from gun shooters or ex husbands that want to shoot exwife and knows she is at church at this time -  or someone who is mentally insane and bombs malls - WHY would it surprise ANYONE in 2019 of any deranged or vile wickedness that is happening right NOW -  raping of a child in a transgender bathroom - to beating and rape of a 70yr old coming home from grocery shopping in the afternoon- senseless shootings in Chicago - a movie made by Spike Lee and the shooting continues to this very moment - so MY opinion is overwhelming GRIEF - and I ask MY God teach ME to PRAY and teach ME to be obedient in MY obedience to MY Holy Spirit in ME by faith and to BE - just like MY example - MY Apostle Paul - it is written - follow MY example for I follow Christ - PLEASE take what HELPS and let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you - I PRACTICE - day by day - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER - over ME or living in 2019 world - NOT ONE PUFF EVER - SINAO - gentle hug