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Give and get support around quitting



I quit Tuesday at 9:50pm. I am really struggling. The doctor gave me some meds for anxiety. It’s not helping. I feel like I have ten emotions going on at once. I can’t even rationalize how smoking would even fix what I’m feeling now. No dark or scary feelings. But I feel like an anxious ball of semi anger. I didn’t have this the last time I quit. 

10 Replies

Get out and exercise. Breath deep. Watch a comedy. Clean up clutter. Get a treat. Chew on a straw. Write a longer blog on Ex--tell your smoking/quit story.

Staying busy and diversions are standard for the first few weeks of quitting. You can see that it isn't the smoking that will help so high five for knowing this. 

Here are a few blogs to read and a youtube video:

One of the greatest tools you can use | BecomeAnEX

Ex is here for you 365 so stay tuned in.

Link to this page for info for new quitters


maryfreecig Gave you a lot of good information hon...your body is healing...from all those chemicals...and it takes time...but need to relieve your symptoms with doing things that will help with your dopamine...also, look up about breathing exercises on line to help with the anxiety and anger feeling...nice soothing breathing will help...hang in there...good you wrote these feelings down...because you never want to go through them again...please keep us posted...Gotcha in my Heart and Thoughts right now...~ Colleen 208 DOF 


Welcome and CONGRATS- Yahoooooooooo WAY TO GO!!!! Please take what HELPS and let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you - please just SUGGESTIONS made to ME YEARS ago and they worked for ME - you gotta WANT TO QUIT USING DRUG NICOTINE OR NOT- it is that simple - please take- 3 Deep breathes - OR maybe put on music and dance - OR move living room around OR go for bike ride OR write divorce letter to your lover NICOTINE - severe ties - that was SUGGESTED -  to write a goodbye letter to NICOTINE - it sounds silly but it worked for ME and countless others - just sharing MY experience strength and HOPE - gentle hug ❤


Many of us who have tried quitting before have had different reactions to the quit. My second quit was so bad friends were giving me money to go and buy a pack.  My first quit wasn't that bad.  This quit, for some reason, was a breeze for me. Hardly any withdrawals like before; maybe a few here and there.  

 Don't beat yourself up or try to figure it out. Keep on track and stay Focused.  Lots of good info here and great advice.  It's not easy and even for me, 2 weeks shy of my Year Anniversary, every now and then I reach for a smoke until I realize I have quit.

 We are Here For You.


For me, every quit is different.  Accept what this quit is, and let it know that you are going to win.  Anger is also usually parts of my quit.  Yelling and screaming can actually feel pretty good.  And avoid baking pineapple upside down cake!


All iI can say, is get moving.  Anyway, anyhow.   The emotional  part was really  hard for me.   You can do this.. Your're strong.   Give yourself the credit you desire,



Like others have said , all quits are different . This is the easiest one physically but the worst emotionally . Exercise made the physical cravings so much easier to handle so get out there and run or walk or jump rope ! 

The anxiety will get better with time and distractions. And this is someone who has panic disorder and generalized anxiety and has been on and off Xanax for 30 years ...

you can totally do this ! 

And as crazy as this sounds , having a positive attitude makes a big difference. All my other quits I was an unhappy ex smoker . This time I’m super excited and PROUD to be smoke free !


You can do this, you are beginning to recover from however long you ingested chemicals that stunted your emotional growth.  Now ALL feelings seem more intense because we did not learn gradually how to deal with them.  Pay attention to what people have shared with you.  I had countless unsuccessful quits, this one was different because of the loving support from EX.  Education, support, and commitment will get you over every hump and every time you get over a hump, you will be more confident.



Today is a new day and I hope it is better for you...~ 
Colleen 209 DOF