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When does it get easier?

It's the end of day 2 and it's been a tough one. I almost caved so many times but I'm so committed to this being my last quit! When can I honestly expect it to get easier??

19 Replies

I started noticing feeling much better at 10 days. You can do this!


10 days was kind of the magic number for me as well.


Day 168

0 Kudos

Days 2 and 3 were the toughest for me. It got easier in stagese, not all at once. Just take it one day at a time.

Member  Every day you get through without putting a cigarette in your mouth strengthens your quit.  Quitting is a journey, not an event.  The journey takes time.  Time is the cure.  Most of us smoked for years and years, repeating the hand-to-mouth behavior multiple times daily.  Your brain has  also been changed by the nicotine.  What is the Single Best Thing You Can Do to Quit Smoking? - YouTube   

What I found was that when I changed my thinking, it became easier.  If you can imagine yourself on a desert island with no cigarettes on hand, you probably wouldn't think about them nearly as much because there would simply be no option to smoke.  Right?  But because we're not on a desert island, that option is right around the corner at the nearest store.  When we close that  Possibility Door , remove that option - our minds stop focusing so much on what we can't have.  Think about something else too:  have you ever had to be in a cast or been in a position where you had to refrain from doing something for a period of time?  You accepted the discomfort of it, right?  'Cause you had no choice.  Option and choice are what messes with our heads.  It helped me to think in terms of the journey being a rite of passage.  You just have to go through it to get past the unpleasant part.  And the sooner you can emotionally accept that, the faster it will get easy.  It WILL get easy.  Trust us in that.  But you have to be willing to hang in - no matter what - until that breakthrough occurs.  You can do this!  Commitment, perseverance, education and support will help you get there.  

Head to the Daily Pledge‌ and grab a hand.  We'll walk this with you.


Thanks for all the replies and support! Halfway through Day 3 and the cravings were intense enough this morning to eat through a whole can of mixed nuts! Oh well, heading to get some exercise now which I haven't done in way too long... Hoping to replace smoking with something healthier than eating since it feels like I have more time in my day now!!! This is my 3rd serious quit and I'm motivated for it to be the last!


When you're finally tired enough of Day One's you'll never smoke again.


It gets better gradually and we are all different so some people might take longer than others,  No one can give you a date or a number of days, it is a journey and we cannot speed it up.  The only way out is through...I smoked for 47 years and I remember writing a blog when I had been quit for 13 days and I said, "I really expected it to be a lot better by now."  When I read that later, I had to laugh out loud, 47 years of doing something every day during just about every circumstance and I expected it to be over in less than two weeks?  I can tell you that after I had been quit for a while of not smoking that I had a really irritating day at work and I was surprised when I got home that I never thought of smoking while at work or on my way home.  I was really angry and that had always been a huge trigger for me.  Once I got past that day, I started to notice more and more times when I USED to smoke that I didn't even think about it or if I DID, I KNEW that smoking would not do anything FOR me, it would just continue to damage me physically and emotionally.  It DOES get better, listen to Giulia



    It will get easier. You will get better. You will come to accept not smoking. You will find your comfort zone as a former smoker. You will stop thinking about smoking. When? Sometime between asking when will it get better and forgetting to ask. One day at a time is the only way most quitters can manage the process of quitting. You can do this, yes you can.


What elvan wrote 

The only way out is through.

This is what I reminded myself of through the tough times.