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Give and get support around quitting


New here and have lots of triggers

Just about EVERYTHING is a trigger for me. the usual, of course, morning coffee, drinking, etc...but so is my job. I'm a barber and can't just lock up and go for a walk, so I step out and smoke because it's slow and I'm bored.
My kids make me anxious even when they aren't irritating me, that's a trigger. I only have them every-other-weekend and I smoke more when they are around (outside, of course).
Even after I've done all the cleaning and housework and should relax, I get bored--so I smoke.
It seems my whole existance is a trigger!
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4 Replies

Ah the boredom trigger. There are a lot of comments on this site about boredom and some on too. It is a common problem. I found that there were things just not working in my life and I would smoke rather then see what needed changing. Boredom usually means we are not getting satisfaction from what we are doing. Now of course life is mundane sometimes but if you are often bored at work then maybe you are not doing what you really want to be doing. Or maybe you have not learned how to be still and silent and alone and enjoy that. There are a lot of tools like mediation for this sort of thing. But, you know how when kids are bored they whine about it and we redirect them to a new task this is how we have to respond. Treat yourself as if your inner kid is whining and find something else to do. After all, a crave only lasts a few moments.
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A crave does only last a few seconds, so why do so many fail????
Well, I am a Catholic and I slipped and failed and just started all over again this morning after having had the cops come get my step daughter that was spending the holidays with us.
She had stolen from me and I would not confront her for I didn't want to blow my quit, but then she stole from my daughter...............WOW............that one did not sit so well.
Do anything to me, but don't dare mess with my kids (who by the way are 31 and 33)!

Anyway, I found that if I said the "Hail Mary" slowly that crave just is gone.

Let us all find anything it takes to ride out these few seconds or minute.

We will always have boredom, stress, pain in the neck kids or step kids, deaths in the family, the boss, the job, whatever....but it is US we are talking about......US that we must save.

We all know that life is way to short and we all want to enjoy it to the fullest.

The fact that each and every one of us come on this site is a testimony that we all want the same thing, for US and for EACH OTHER.
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Life is a trigger and all it entails it seems! But its the addiction of nicotine basically. What we call triggers are in fact, just your nicotine level getting low. Which is ? every 30-60 mins I think.
So, no matter what I'm doing LOL, every 30-60 mins seems to be a trigger !
My biggies are waking up! That includes coffee, getting on the computer, starting my day! That will be my hardest test, the early hours!!! I literally have to smoke at that time !!! oh oh
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Well webslave, I would say you Literally DON'T have to smoke at that time. That is the trap of addiction. If you think you have to do something it will be twice as hard not to do the thing. On there is an article called "the law of addiction" that says it all better then I could. All those times we feel like we "have" to smoke are the very times to muscle through the crave and wait for enough time to pass that we don't get the crave at that particular time anymore. Because just like with anything else in life, if we wait long enough whatever is bugging us will be in the past and not a problem anymore.
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