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Give and get support around quitting


Second 24 hours

Well, here I am...68 years old and only 26 hours after my last cigarette! Concerns are 1. living alone without nearby friends and 2. Due to limited mobility taking walks/exercise are not an option. I really want to remain an EX as I am so tired of smoking. I hope this site will help with support I don't have locally available.

7 Replies

Welcome and Congratulations on your decision to quit! First of all you certainly don’t need nearby friends to be successful in your quit. Unless they are also smokers quitting with you they probably won’t be as useful to you as this site. This is all about you and your quit. You are going to be going thru some crazies. The physical will end quickly enough, it will be the mental that will truly challenge you. Like most of us here, chances are you have smoked your entire adult life. 

It it is important to read, read and read. I googled constantly with symptoms I was experiencing. Its amazing all the different ways we can be affected but comforting to know that it is normal and will end. My biggest piece of advice always is to stay out of your head. If you think about smoking you’re going to want to smoke. The moment you start to think about it just literally shake it out of your head and move on.

There are very few things in life that we have total control over and guess what, choosing to not smoke is one of them. There are no “slip ups”. Whether you succeed or not is entirely up to you. You can so do this and we are here for you. 

You are Amazing!!!!!!


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Thanks for the heads up.  Some posts do get lost.  I would hate to think their are newcomers that think no none cares.


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Welcome to the Ex.  I'm also 68 and smoked for 50 years.  As Beck said, you don't need friends to quit. Just think if they smoked, they probably wouldn't be much help.     

 But, that's what we're here for--to support you in your quit.  There are other's in the community that are limited in their activity and will be able to share some suggestions with you.  Education and preparation are the key to success.  Understanding this addiction has made such a difference for me.


340 DOF

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Truth! janinemurray 

Hugs Kim

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Hello and Welcome to Ex's y janinemurray

Do you have a Quit date  ?  Might I suggest you read and partake in 

  • My Quit Plan to help with your journey and make a quit date if you haven't already.  We are all in this journey together.  Come here to get and give help.  ~ Colleen 
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Hi there!

First - welcome!

I know about limited mobility. Been there. Can you do limited stretching of any kind? Just wondering.

I'm 64 and there are several others of us here that are >50. You're among friends. Others will offer you links of items to read and suggest that you come by often, and I'll second that! 

My biggest items for you to remember are 1) an urge is not a command to smoke and 2) not one puff ever (N.O.P.E.), and 3) smoking is not an option. 

With the above and your own determination, you're a quitter and again, you're totally among people who get it. We have all been at day 1 at least once.

Looking forward to reading your posts!


Day 62