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Give and get support around quitting


Using smoking cessation techniques to curb and correct food consumption.


Since I was able quit smoking ten months ago (after almost 50 years of smoking), I am on a new adventure now. Using the same motivations for quitting smoking, I will deny myself my favorite foods in an effort to drop 100 pounds in a year. Fifty pounds by summer. A very similar addiction process in smoking, creates over eating and eating the wrong foods. No more white flour, cheese, white bread, muffins, sweet teas, doughnuts, pies, potatoes, ice cream, pasta, processed food, or fast food. Low salt, low carbs. I really don't have to list everything I should not eat, you know it. 

1 Reply

Good to see you, and better still to hear you are still smoke free - CONGRATULATIONS!

I will admire you to the fullest if you have the willingness to do this.  I am not overweight - but the very IDEA of all that makes me cringe in despair!

Good for you!  Do let us know if we can help.  I will volunteer for your cheering section!
