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Give and get support around quitting


Day One ... again

I have been a closet smoker for decades.  I've been "quitting" for decades.  I had an old Facebook post show up from 9 years ago that I was starting a quit.  I've started a quit..., I can't even count how often.

I am starting a quit today.  I have learned many things about what works (and what doesn't).  My quit plan (so far)

1. Cleaned out my car yesterday.  Scrubbed the old ashes from the door panel.  Took a damp cloth to the headliner - and it came back black with old smoke.  Gag!  If that's what the car looks like, what could my lungs look like??  Threw away matches, soaked the last cigarette in the pack

2. Signed up on this website.  Part of my plan is to monitor this site and write something if I feel a craving.  Brace yourselves; this could get ugly. 🙂  My writing is smoke-free,fat-free, and cheap.  My  writing is not necessarily witty, brilliant, or even coherent.  Just another tool in the tool box.

3. Bought drinking straws.  Some I cut up and pretend to smoke and YES, I do know how stupid it makes me look.  I DON'T CARE.  I have also discovered that drinking from a straw encourages drinking lots of water (good thing) and also substitutes for that smoking motion and habit.

4.  Take the daily pledge.  Taking the pledge works for me.  It reminds me that for just today, I have made a commitment.  I keep my promises.  

I'm going to keep quitting until I am quit.  Period.

Happy trails


26 Replies

Welcome again.   Sounds like you've thought this through.  You've prepared and that's key.  There's lots of good information and support on this site, so stay closed.  Sour candy and straws we're my favorites; but I chewed the heck out of the straws.  I also like the daily pledge to remind me each day that it's one day at a time.  Reach out if you need help.  


210 DOF



What does DOF mean in your signature?  Days of Freedom?  

How are you keeping count?

Thanks for the encouragement.


0 Kudos

Yes to Days of Freedom.

Did you enter a quit date?   If you did, when you first log on there a green box that gives the number of days.  And, if you click on the drop down arrow by your avatar and select your profile, you can access your quit stats.

Also in the upper right hand corner of this page you will see "My Quit Plan". Clicking that will take you to your days quit if you have entered a quit date.


Welcome to EX. I just want to say that things don't "work" for you. You have to make them work. You have to make the commitment, buckle down & do the work to make yourself successful. We'll be here to support you in any way you need.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @ Signature 002-1.JPG


I like the things in your profile!  Very helpful and you're right it has to be personal.  It has to be my quit, for my benefit.  I have to feel worthy of a good smoke free life.  I deserve it!  For myself! 

"I deserve it!  For myself!"...Yes you do.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @ Signature 002-1.JPG


All "species" are Welcome here (no excuses are necessary) .................... LoL

Hang tight, we are here to help! You CAN do this,eh?

Miles of Smiles.....


You've got this! Sounds like you have a good plan this time. Just keep taking it one day at a time.


Texas, I, too, was a closet smoker for decades.  Plus I became a heavy nicotine gum user when I couldn't smoke ("just to get me through"). Oh, and add vaping to that (because, after all , "they won't smell it on me.")  So while I only averaged about five cigarettes a day (unless I was out of town, "Yippie, I can smoke as much as I want"),  I was heavily dependant on nicotine and each cig I was able to smoke was precious.  I think it can be especially hard for those who have been in the closet, since we have little support in our quit.  I have had many, many "quit" attempts over the years.  But with this community and it's tools I haven't had a cigarette for four weeks!  I am using Wellbutrin and I will step down to the lowest patch tomorrow.  YOU CAN DO THIS!