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Oh boy I have the Flu. Was going for my shot next week but it came on fast this year. Have 102 fever. But the great news is Pulmonary doc said “imagine how much worse it would be if you were still a smoker”. It felt so good to hear that it brought tears to my eyes. If you take the flu shot get it soon. Because of the weather we had flu started early September. Be well my dear nonsmoking friends!!  Coughed all night. Going to use the nebulizer and go to bed. 

21 Replies

I don't usually get mine until the end of October - but I am traveling this weekend, so got it last week.  Takes TWO weeks to have full effect, but I didn't know flu  was starting early this year. At least I will have some protection when I fly HOME.

Feel better!  Hope you got Tamiflu to help shorten the duration.  REST!



Barb102‌ Feel better soon.  I really wonder if that is what I had last week and into the beginning of this week because I DID get better in about a week, the fever only lasted about 48 hours but because my COPD is so bad and I have no immune system because of steroids for years...they gave me two back up antibiotics that I am still taking.  They did not give me Tamiflu, they did a nasal swab that was negative for the flu but the Nurse Practitioner said it was probably too early, not sure, I have never had a test for flu before.  I will get my flu shot as long as I don't develop any more symptoms.  I want to be as protected as possible.  Drink, drink, and drink some more and use that nebulizer, that was a life saver for me.  I hope you feel MUCH better soon.




Thanks Ellen. I bet u had the flu too. Be well. Make sure you feel well before u get the shot. I have to wait 4 weeks


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FOUR WEEKS???? That's CRAZY!  I'll ask my pulmonologist next week when I see her if she thinks I have to wait that long.  I sure hope you are feeling MUCH better.

Hugs...with my mask on,



Image result for feel better


Get well soon-we want you to get well! CONGRATS ON STAYING A BEAUTIFUL NON SMOKER NO MATTER FLU OR HANDLING LIFE ON LIFES TERMS-ONE DAY AT A TIME-in MY Lord Jesus name amen-please take what helps and let go of the rest-thank you.


Sorry to hear that Barb.   You really didn't need anything else.   I got my flu shot Wednesday.  I usually wait a little longer myself, but have lots to do so I thought I'd get it done.  Didn't hear it was supposed to be early this year.  

Feel better!



I hope you feel better soon!!!

I work for Greenville Health Systems, and we all got our flu shots yesterday.....]

Chicken soup it up!!...........


Bless you, the flu is no fun at all. I have had the actual flu twice in my life and I thought I was going to die just from fever alone. They're starting our flu shots at work soon. Will check this weekend if they are giving them already and make sure I get mine. 

Hopefully recuperation will come quickly being smoke-free.

Plenty of fluids and rest for you!!
