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Give and get support around quitting


An Insane World

~~A good friend is a connection to life--a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.~~  Lois Wyse

I'm an introvert.  Shy.  Content to stay in the background.  Liking peace more than drama or excitement.  But introverts adore their close friendships as much as extroverts do. 

And when tough times come, you can either keep to yourself and walk through it alone or share it with a close friend and allow him/her walk with you.  Truly there is no greater honor than to have a friend turn to you and say, "Help".  It means the world to know someone trusts you enough to share their pain with you.

Yet we often hesitate to ask.  We are reluctant to say we need help.  We don't want to 'burden' our friends.  How silly is that really?  Don't you like to be asked for help?  Wouldn't you move heaven and earth to help a friend?  Well, then...???

As you go through your quit journey, you will be spun through so many unexpected emotions, situations, events, and thoughts that may leave you feeling exhausted, wrung out, and limp.  Posting here helps, of course.  But there is nothing like a sincere hug, a comforting shoulder, a sympathetic ear.

If you have people you are close to, please don't shut them out.  Don't try to go it alone.  Don't 'suck it up, buttercup' (my most hated phrase EVER!!).  Lean, share, touch, open up!!  It eases your burden and puts your troubles into perspective.  And those who truly love you will be so touched that you trust them enough to have them walk your journey with you.  Quitting is all about a new and better world for you.  Allow those who love you to help you create that world.

Who do you share with?

9 Replies

you are a rock star Sheri and you send us such positive vibes from your awe inspiring posts thank you for being here. 


Marilyn, you've been doing that for years now!!  I appreciate you and all the joy and sunshine you have shared with me   You are the BEST!!


Aaah you are the best too my friend and Fellow Exer and most definetly EXtended family XO.


Most of the time, I NEED to be independent, for I am all I have......but there are times when people offer to help, and my knee-jerk response is always, "No, I am fine."

Yesterday I was struggling up the steps from the pool, trying to juggle my crutch to support me at the top, and getting my flip-flops on.  A gentleman asked if I needed help, and I luckily was able to bite by tongue before announcing, "I am fine, thanks."  I actually said, " if you could hold onto  that crutch tor a minute, I would appreciate it.":  It was WONDERFUL to have even that small amount of help.

Maybe you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!!!!??!!!

Learn to just ask!!!!


My dear Nancy, you do independence with grace and dignity.  Truly you are a wonder!!  But you probably made that gentleman's day.  We all love to help others when we can....even you, my "do not drink this week-end and lose your quit" friend   Much love and may those crutches turn into kindling this winter!


I have vowed and declared that when I am no longer in need of them, the crutches are going to get thrown through a plate glass window.  I have been on them, for various injuries, for the past 18 months.    I just hope I can find a store demolition to accomplish it.  I daydream about doing it....ahhhhhhhhhhhh!  I can HEAR the sound of the breaking glass and see them flying through!!!


Lol...but you'll do it with grace    


I know that knee jerk reaction too Nancy but I'm also learning, I'm so glad that you accepted the help .   YoungAtHeart


Connecting to others in our frailty sweetens life.  I felt so vulnerable when I quit, but needed others more than ever in those trying times.  Connecting to others showed me others beauty in their willingness to help and added depth to my life.  Don't be afraid to reach out when you need help or are feeling lonely, scared or sad.  We all go through it.