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63 Replies

As an avid kayaker my arms, shoulders and pec's are in generously good shape (thank the Lord, LoL), so this challenge is somewhat close to my already existing routine...

Perhaps when you do a "belly" challenge I will climb on board!!

Have fun with it ya'll.

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I'm on board! I quit 3.5 weeks ago and I recently started exercising and my arms need help!

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rvilvens‌ Awesome! Starts Friday. Congrats on 3.5 weeks!

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JACKIE1-25-15‌, cbgerber‌, shashort‌, rvilvens

Arm challenge starts today, 8/10/18!


Thanks kristen-9.7.15     I can see this is REALLY a challenge.  It took me half an hour just to go over all the moves.  But I will endeavor to finish all by tonight.  


Thanks for the reminder Kristen. Day 1 arm challenge done.


This is what I needed.  These moves really get the kinks out.  Some of these I could do sitting down which made it very easy.  Thanks for all of the how-to videos.  They were quite helpful.  I am done with day one and I feel better.  I was feeling really achy with some of the landscaping I have been doing.  Great easy work out.  Thanks, If I could just keep up with shashort‌ on our walking challenge.  I will be fine.  When is she going to sit down? 


Haha Funny JACKIE1-25-15  I was wondering the same thing about when you were sitting or going to bed so I could catch up lol.  Good hustle this past week.  New week next week.  Yes Kristen thanks for all the videos and work you put in this challenge.  Day 2 done for me.

Day one done for me. I had to drop down to 5 pound weights.  I haven’t done this in awhile. When I left off I was using 8 pounds.