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Give and get support around quitting


An Amazing Start

Hello Fellow Exers.  I am now 3 days Quit and hope that qualifies me to join your ranks. The first 3 days nicotine free have been much easier than I thought, and full of rewards. Rather than cravings, I have had some fleeting thoughts of smoking which my brain seems able to immediately extinguish. Over the past few days i have been able to give my family members the undivided (by the need to smoke) attention they deserve.... and i love it!  Today I spent 3 hrs at a social event and had 20 min conversations with at least 4 new people! I was able to interact with these people easily without my attention being focused on how I might slip away to sneak a smoke.  I also provided someone with a ride, something I would not ordinarily do since the inside of my car has always looked and smelled like an ashtray.  I so want this to be my new reality, but I hear-say that I will now be moving on to two weeks of withdrawal hell. I aim to really keep my guard up and hope the delight in the many joys of being smoke free may help me through rough patches, along with your guidance and support.

10 Replies

Congrats on 3 days! That’s great! This is your reality! You are a non-smoker!


Congrats on 3 days.   Be on guard for "hell", but it sounds like you're doing great.  If you don't expect it, it may not happen!  



 Look at you Barbscloud‌ getting ready to hit the TDC!  That's great!  And yes, Lescoo‌ You were always qualified as Annette said! Congrats on Day 3!  If you are going cold turkey (CT) then you will have all nicotine out of your system as of 72 hours and you are on your way to becoming a "ChainNonSmoker"  That's  me!  HeHe!

Sandy 276 DOF 

89 Days until I join the Elders in the 6% club!


Your on your way! Stay close to the site

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You were always "qualified" to join!  Welcome.


Way to go on 3 days!!! All the nicotine should be out of your system and your body can focus on healing! Good for you!!! 

Read everything you can get your eyes on , especially on this site. Knowledge is power!!!

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It does not have to be 2 weeks of hell - lol!  A good attitude will take you far!  Congratulations on your first 3 days!


May the joy of being smoke-free help you through the rough patches.  It's what's between the ears.  If you think it is hell then that is what it may be but with a no matter what I am not going to smoke it does not matter.  Whatever it takes to get through will get you through. 


Congratulations, you are not alone, we have all been where you are...everyone has to start at the first are doing GREAT.


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