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Give and get support around quitting


Day 10

I disappeared for the long weekend. Went camping. Just me and the dog. Far away from any stress or cigarettes. I wanted to smoke so bad. It felt like I had no energy and felt like I was dragging my feet all weekend. I couldn’t just flip my way of thinking and be happy. I really hope this gets better. 

20 Replies

Nothing wrong with getting away by yourself and with your dog, it sounds like heaven to me! That picture of the sunset over the water was mesmerizing!

It will get easier, I promise. Think of it right now as all the toxins leaving your body, and that can be very draining. Drink lots of water, cranberry juice. It helps. Rest. Your body is healing. 

When my kids were small and they took naps, I use to say they were recharging for the next up and about time.

So you are recharging. Your body is re-setting itself and getting prepared to live a healthier life smoke free. Just go with it and don't fight it. Allow yourself time to heal. 

Yes sometimes it will be uncomfortable. Sometimes the hardest things we ever do for ourselves though, produce the most remarkable rewards. 

Look for that reward, expect it. Don't dwell on what the cigarettes , they gave you nothing...just a slow and miserable death sentence.

 Look instead at the new life regenerating within yourself and your soul. Replace the negative with positive.

Stay near this site, keep reading and keep blogging. We are here for you!


Good for got away, you gave yourself a chance to do some healing.  It WILL get better, it DOES take time and there are always going to be rough times...there were when we smoked too, we just convinced ourselves that smoking would never did but the addiction is powerful and it tries to pull us back in.  It will get weaker, YOU will get stronger.



It absolutely gets better! You are only on Day 10 and while that is fantastic (KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!) it is still early days. smoked for more than 10, it's going to take a bit to figure your life out without smoking. But I can be done. We all did it and we are no different from you.

Stay Strong.


Yeah, those first 3 weeks for me were a constant state of exhaustion.  But you really are doing great!  I've read all your posts and can see you are much more aware and prepared than many this early in their quit.  I promise you will find that happiness you are looking for.  It might not be a 3 day weekend long period of happiness at first, but you will start getting more and more moments with each new smoke free day you have.  10 days is a big accomplishment!  Hope you celebrate it in some way!


Good for you getting away for the weekend with the dog. 

People can disappoint and let us down. Dogs never do 😉 

It will get better. I promise you it will be better. You KNOW that you had to quit. Smoking is not sustainable. 

We all know this. It’s not compatible with a long and healthy life. 

You’re doing the work, adding the days up. 

Im proud of you!!!! Xoxo 


Congratulations on 10 days. Keep reading, have a good tool box to go to when it gets rough. You are still a newborn in your quit, have to be tough and tell that Nico Dude NOPE! (not one puff ever) Tell yourself you don't do that anymore. It truthfully gets better with working your quit one day at a time.  Like Sootie said, you smoked more than 10 day so will take time to get to the comfortable stage. Truthfully this was the hardest thing I have ever done and trust me it is so worth the effort. You CAN do this! Stay close!


Congrats.  We're making it through those holidays.  I'm so jealous of your going camping with your dog.  We always took vacations together; it's too hard for her to travel now.  



great job , i'm sure it wasn't easy but You did it !

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It will get better so long as you remember to never take another puff. I quit for 9 years and was at the point where I never considered smoking again and couldn't believe I was ever a smoker. It really does get better. I'm glad you didn't smoke. Your camping spot looks beautiful. Keep getting out and doing relaxing activities like that and before you know it, you'll be hardly thinking about smoking at all.

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