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Withdrawal symptoms??

Ok so I officially have not smoked for two days but I in the last 12 hours I have become extremely bloated (sorry tmi) is this normal?? I do exercise and did before I quit so I am trying to figure out how to manage this if anyone has ideas? Thanks

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6 Replies

I have never heard of bloating as a withdrawal symptom.  It could be something you ate or drank or didn't eat or drink.  Our bodies are all different.  You know your body better than anyone else.  If I were you I would reflect on what you have digested or other things that may be into play as opposed to not smoking. 


Everyone goes through withdrawal symptoms to some extent. If you are educating yourself then you will understand that the bloating is really nothing to worry about....(unless it continues for too long, or is creating additional issues). 

I would highly recommend reading as much as you can regarding nicotine/cigarette withdrawal and it can also provide you with some suggestions to make life more comfortable when first experiencing them...You may not like it, but they will pass and you will be happy that you took a short time to tolerate the discomforts....Everyone on this site has gone through some form of withdrawal, so you are NOT alone.....If we can do it...YOU can do it.....

Welcome them because it's your body saying "Hey, I've missed you" thank you for taking care of me...I am healing now."

Miles of Smiles...


On a side note I am taking Chantix so maybe it is part of the issue I dont knwo

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Read, read, read, read, helps to eliminate questions....

although, it can also provoke questions.....

but for, read, read, read.....


Nicotine actually aids digestion - and a lot of us suffered from constipation/unhappy tummies early in our quits because our bodies forgot how to digest without the assistance.  Might be what's going on with you.

Here's a blog on early withdrawal symptoms you might find helpful:

Increase your fiber intake, exercise more and both should help. If all else fails, you might try a stool softener or an OTC gas/bloating aid.

This is a phase your body goes through as it finds its new, chemical free normal.  Hang in there - your body DOES adjust!



I was very gassy after I quit and I wondered if I would ever be "normal" again...I think it is common for people who quit to change to a healthier diet and then withdraw the nicotine and our digestive tracts are trying to figure out what to do...I drank lots of water and I also took magnesium to help move things along.  Eventually everything returned to normal.
