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Three weeks: is this when the blues hit?

Tomorrow makes three weeks. I’ve noticed an uptick in urges and cravings in the past 48 hours or so. And lack of good rest is starting to affect my mood and my general well-being. Still waking a lot at night. Body aches, etc. I guess I’m just feeling kind of down and tired. How are others feeling who are at about the three-week mark? Or what tips do you have for coping with the blahs?

still at it, just....blah  

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17 Replies

Day 21 was one of the absolute worst days of my quit.  I was ready to go buy a pack of cigarettes and chain smoke them.  I decided to google something like, "How do I talk myself out of giving up my cigarette quit?", and found this site.  It has been a life saver for me.  I wrote a lot of blogs back then.  Didn't publish all of them here, but a lot.  It helps me to write, and all the warm and encouraging responses on this site really helped my blahs and depression.


They’re definitely helpful. Thank you!


Everybody is different. I had to go back to my blogs to see what I was feeling at  day 21.  This is part of what I wrote. 

Anyway my quit is better than smoking.   It is a relief, no more agonizing over smoking.  No more !  When I say I am done, I am done.  To all my new friends, thank you for your unselfish support.  Have a good smoke free day, I am.

I was so happy to be free.  It is not easy all of the time.  We have to get through the rough patches, they do not last forever.   It is important that you get some rest.  Being tired can be a trigger.  Hang tough, don't give up.


Bless you, Jackie. 

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I looked back to see what I was saying around 3-4 weeks... found this gem lol :

"Day 33-34 and I Have been freaking out.

Today hasn't been a bad day, hasn't been a particularly good day, just kinda "average".
And I will be damned if I didn't roll out of bed this morning in a rage and want a smoke with my coffee."

So I guess 3-4 weeks is when the newness and excitement of the quit has worn off, and you are entering NO MANS LAND (technically at 30 days or 1 month 1believe). The elders on this site can show you all sorts of info on NML that will help you. 

I will be here to cheer you on! Day 71 for me;-) 

xoxo Lisa 

Hang in there!!!


Congrats on 71 days!  It’s encouraging to hear that it’s just part of the normal spectrum of what it means to stay nicotine-free. 


Thanks. I think we are all gloriously abnormally normal all the time;-). There are no rules as what is textbook normal. We have screwed up our neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin pathways and God-knows-what-else in our brains for years on end, it would be so hard to imagine we could rewire all that in a few months. It will take time. It will be messy at times. But it will be worth it. I KNOW it. We have to put in the long hard hours, and the end result will be worth it. Just buckle up, hold on, and know that we were never meant to use nicotine in the first place. Our bodies need time to heal. Be patient with yourself, and come here for help. Xoxo 


Some really good stuff baby girl.  Congrats on 71 Days. 


Thanks. 72. Wink, wink. Xoxo 

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