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NML & In-betweener Weekly Check in - 2/26/2018

We do this blog every Monday to offer encouragement and camaraderie to those in No Man’s Land -- months 2-3-4 of a quit and for those somewhere in-between who have less than 1 year of a quit. Regardless of how long you’ve been quit, anyone who likes the conversation and wants to offer support is welcome to participate!


This week’s topic: Getting to know your fellow NMLers and In-betweeners!


1. If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?

2. What’s your hidden talent?

3. Which chocolate bar is most like you?




If you're in NML right now, give a shout!  Reach out and find each other! 


Click here to read Dale’s helpful blog about No Man’s Land:  

Click here to read what to expect in the first four months: /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months  


Checking in here will help you get through NML and on your way to the first year where you can celebrate being in the 6% Club and graduate to eventually become an Elder!


Please let me know if you are interested in posting the NML Weekly Check In.  I am happy to continue it, share it, or pass it to the nEXt EXer in NML who is ready, willing, and able.

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5 Replies

Good morning!  I'm on day 60-something, I don't know for sure how many, but this past weekend it was starting to get tough again. I can see why the NML warnings are so important! I reminded myself of them over and over again the last couple of days.

Anyway, as for the getting-to-know-you questions: 

1. I am a Marvel Geek. I just adore all the Avengers, but honestly my favorites are Thor and Loki.  Thor, because Chris Hemsworth. Loki because he's hilarious.

2. My son-in-law tells me that my super power is the ability to say NO, immediately and definitely. I have no problem at all turning people down for anything if it conflicts with what I want to do or what I need. (Hmmm...maybe I'm more like Loki than I thought, LOL)

3.  I have absolutely no idea.


So...if I could be a superhero, it would either be Elastigirl (The Incredibles) or Baymax (Big Hero 6). 

My hidden talent is to remember something once I write it down.  It is sort of like a photographic memory.

The chocolate bar most like me is the Whatchamacallit!  LOL!


Hi There!

Checking in on Day 65. Annette, I know our quit dates are super close.

My quit is going well but my sweet tooth is out of appropriate that one of the questions is about candy bars. 

1. I’m not very knowledgeable about superheroes. I would say Womder Woman but I don’t like her outfit. Back in the 60’s when I was 5 or 6, Batman was my favorite show and I wanted a Catwoman costume! I just loved it. I’m sure my parents were concerned...LOL.

I know she’s a villain but that costume is EVERYTHING!

2. My superpower hmmm....

My daughter (15 years old) said it’s my ability to know when she’s hungry even though she doesn’t think she is. That may just be a mom thing.  I think my true superpower is sarcasm. 

3. I don’t know what candy bar is most like me but my favorite is Almomd Joy.


Hi there! I haven't been on here in quite a while. I'm still trucking though. I'm on day 216 I think. I will have been smoke free for 7 months yesterday. So I'm proud of myself. I've had moments of weakness and I haven't given in once.  

1.So if I were to be a superhero I think I would pick Wonder Woman! I loved her as a kid and I love her in the new movie as well. She is such a badass! 

2. I'm not sure that I have a talent hidden or not. I guess I have a good sense of humor and say funny things.

3. It's not a candy bar per se, but I LOVE turtles with the chocolate, pecans,and caramel. Plus I love turtles. I have a ton of turtle figurines, a turtle tattoo, and a red eared slider too! 

Hey there Roller and fellow NMLers! My first check in here. On day 59 now, and definitely feeling all the feels described in the previous post. But I’m starting to think more positively. Except yesterday when I totally freaked out... moving on.

So here goes...

1. If I could be one superhero, I’d be Catwoman but without the burglarizing and bad stuff. As Sandi4 said, costume is everything!

2. My hidden talent is I know all of the lyrics to almost any 90s song. And I’ll sing them if I get the chance.

3. The chocolate bar I would be is Butterfinger. I drop things constantly. So I’d make a terrible Catwoman.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
