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Give and get support around quitting



Smoked my last cig 15 min ago. For the past few days, I was so disgusted but kept going, inhaling this stench and breathing like a sick animal. The last few days also gave me this group, so I feel like a have a support group out there, pushing me forward, wishing for me to be free.

It's going to be a crazy week, I am traveling for work and going to be super stressed, and for some reason, I do not fear this challenge, I relish it. I want to be distracted and to be able to go through these days smoke-free. The NOPE and "they travel in packs" phrases are stuck with me, they made me laugh and I think they are so true, and so simple.

I am going to try and not be restless, instead, I will try to enjoy the essence of the coming moments, the conversations, the drinks, the work, without the distraction of having to go outside and feed the monster. I'm going to focus on kindness, listening, smiling, smelling GOOD, I'm going to exercise more, stretch more, stand on my head more. 

I am determined and plan to be grateful for every moment.

I hope the great sadness will not show up this time, and if it will, I will be here, sharing.

Thank you guys, for being here, and making me invincible (I hope).

I'm heading forward, cleaner and stronger.

Wish me luck.


#newbie quitterelvanDaniela2016PRAIRIEROSELADYbrandon-esselbornjake-rock

18 Replies

You don't need luck, you have all you need in you, just let it unfold, and be prepared to deep breath, chew on mints, or sunflower seeds, meditate, or work hard, all of the above through the craves.  They come and go, don't take it personally, they do the same to all of us, just find the remedy which works for you and let them go (the craves).

Come back and tell us how it went




Welcome to our community!

Congratulations on your decision to quit!  It's one you will never regret.  I don't know what of the recommended reading you have done, but want to be sure all bases have been covered.  Please just ignore any dulplicaitons!

The most important thing you can do right now is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind. To that end, I also highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read.

 You should also read the posts here and perhaps go to the pages of folks who you think might be helpful. You might visit, and for the good information contained there. @ has lots of blogs written by members of this site with their experiences and guidance.

I didn't see if you have decided to use a quit aid. If so, the choice should be made after you have completed the recommended reading so you can make an informed choice.   If you go that route, I personally recommend the aids that don't let the addict control the dose such as the available prescription drugs or the patch. If used properly, gum, lozenges and inhalers are fine, but they need to be used only as a last resort.  I have seen folks become addicted to them if they substitute them for every cigarette they used to smoke - just trading one addiction for another.  I do not recommend the e-cigarette for three reasons: 1) the vapor has been compared to the polluted air in Bejing on a bad day, 2) they just provide another nicotine delivery system while continuing the hand to mouth smoking motion, and 3) the batteries can spontaneously catch on fire. . But – any method that you think will work well for you will be best for you.

The idea is to change up your routines so the smoking associations are reduced.  Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand. If you always had that first smoke with your coffee, try putting your tennies on right out of bed, going for a quick walk, then taking your shower and THEN your coffee! Rearrange the furniture in the areas you used to smoke so the view is different. Buy your gas at a different station. Take a different route to work. Take a quick walk at break time where the smokers AREN'T.

You need to distract yourself through any craves.  You can take a bite out of a lemon (yup - rind and all), put your head in the freezer and take a deep breath of cold air, do a few jumping jacks, go for a brisk walk or march in place, play a computer game.  Don't let that smoking thought rattle around in your brain unchallenged. Sometimes you need to quit a minute or an hour at a time.  You will need to be disciplined in the early days to distract yourself when a crave hits.    Get busy!  Here is a link to a list of things to do instead of smoke if you need some fresh ideas:

The conversation in your head in response to the "I want a cigarette" thought needs to be, "Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it.  You will need to put some effort into this in the early days, but it gets easier and easier to do.

Stay close to us here and ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!



Wonder Woman can do it!!!!

You can do this!!! Ex’s will have your back.   Sending hugs prairie


Great blog. Last cig is fantastic news. Keep working your quit. 


You can do this quit believe it deep breaths and stay close because we're all here to help you through any rough patches that you may come upon and please read everything you can about quitting smoking and remaining quit because there's a wealth of information here to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb and start living a life of Freedom because S.I.N.A.O Smoking Is Not An Option.....



0 Kudos

Welcome Michal and CONGRATS being NICOTINE FREE THIS MOMENT OF  NOW! It was SUGGESTED to ME in early recovery blog BEFORE YOU TAKE THAT FIRST PUFF OVER YOU and please educate yourself on your nicotine addiction reading the EXPERT ADVICE BLOGS BY Dr Hays on this website and also SIGGESTED to to go to Joel offers on line FREE book to read NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF or Joel has read or watch the videos OFFERED FREE by Joel who has been working with and helping with nicotine addiction for over 45 years ALL this was SUGGESTED to ME and also I stayed on this website everyday for 90 days blog blog blog venting blog questions blog emotional blog old thinking blog WHATEVER blogs to STAY QUIT QUIT NO MATTER WHAT TOGETHER WE WILL DO THIS! Great job choosing life for you please keep on keeping on also SUGGESTED to drink lots of water add cinnamon to your applesauce get hand hobbies and mouth busy with HEALTHY snacks OR snacks just to keep hand to mouth habit BROKEN by choices to STAY QUIT maybe painting or chew gum or eat pistachios unsalted or teach yourself a NEW craft by making your own stringed instrument or do word search or crochet or get hard candy multi flavors or eat oranges apples or play volley ball or walk or stretching breathing exercise and thanks for helping ME REMAIN QUIT with you Michal ONE DAY AT A TIME! Yahoooo for you!