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Spiritual side of nicotine Recovery?

I'm new. Quit date is 24 October.  Has anyone ever tried the Spiritual Approach? It is a huge part of my action plan.  I don't mean churchy bible thumping.  I mean Spirituality. I don't close my mind to Religion, l simply follow a power greater than myself which I choose to call God.  I'm starting real simple.  Oh, and I will use what tools are available such as replacements and chanting or Wellbutrin.

12 Replies

Not sure if you have a specific "Spiritual Approach" in mind, but I practice meditation.  That was extremely helpful for the first week or two.  And it got me thru some very powerful craves in the 50-70 day period.

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Ok. Will do. 


I smoked for 52 years.  I could not have stopped without God.  I asked Him to be with me and He was.  I also read researched and used NRT's.  It is a journey.  I also could not have done it without the love and support of this community.  I am certain God sent me here. Quitting smoking is wonderfully life-changing.  I had no clue of that in the beginning.  You can do this.  Welcome to our lovely community.


To be honest I don't know how I even found this site all I know I was praying asking God to help me not crave a cigarette an I found this site an been here ever since. I am proud faith growing believer In Christ! 


I could never have gotten to where I am in my quit without spirituality...along with education and support from this site.  It gets EASIER, believe that, believe it with all of your heart...NOT believing it will stress you out and lead to a white knuckle quit...they don't work because they wear you out.  I have had many of those.  Hang in there, we are here for you and for your quit.


RT2016  Welcome to EX.  I certainly relied on spirituality and still do...I turn to God every day, sometimes countless times a day to get through hard times and to celebrate good times.  There is no way I could have sustained this quit without believing in a Higher Power and without counting on that Higher Power to show me the way when I was so lost.

Again, welcome to EX, I think you will find that education about nicotine addiction, support from the community, and interaction with those who are here at all different phases of their quits, is amazing.  



Growth of spirit is part of the quit smoking journey.  You can't do one without the other.  Quitting takes a goodly amount of in-depth self study.  When the change comes from 'within' first, the outward manifestation will last the longest.  Use whatever tools work best for you.  Glad you've joined us.