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Give and get support around quitting


Day 2 toward quitting day...

Well as soon as I woke up this morning and before the children got up I ran outside to hide my smoking. I smoked quick... couldn't even tell you if I enjoyed it just scared if I don't I'll be a "B" all day... hopped in the shower, and the scent was gone by the time the children came downstairs. I think to myself that I NEVER run around this fast unless I have a couple minutes to sneak a smoke.  Just got done cooking supper, which is not my favorite hobby.. just saying... and I am sitting here thinking of cigs but haven't snuck a smoke. My friend actually just texted and asked if I wanted to go to an exercise class tonight. It is sooo a sign. Start slow with quitting and exercising. Not sure if I'll make it through an entire class, but I have to start somewhere. I'll keep you posted!!

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3 Replies

Starting an exercise class....and any form of taking better care of yourself in general are really good motivators. You start to view and value yourself and your health in a new light and makes stopping smoking seem like the most natural thing in the world (doesn't make it easier...just natural! hahhahaha)


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Exercising is one of the BEST things you can do during your quit journey.  It releases the dopamine you will be missing from smoking, helps to keep the extra pounds down to a manageable level.  Starting BEFORE your quit is a great idea, too.

Think positive!  Have you read the book by Allen Carr?  I hope so!  It has helped so many of us understand that all the things we thought smoking did for us were LIES!

Go easy on your first go at exercise.  You don't want to hurt yourself and have to spend time doing nothing to heal!



Did a low impact Zumba class and it felt GREAT!! Wasn't as short of breathe as I thought I would have been. Definitely encouraging... I am soo moving forward with this exercise regimen!!