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Patient Nonadherence

Are there some steps that your Doctor has recommended that you did not go for? What was the reason? Did you think it would be too challenging, too expensive, not worth the benefits, out of reach, too different? 

Examples might be recommended smoking cessation, use of oxygen therapy, ventilation, surgeries, prednisone or other steroid use, ....those are just a few that occur to me.

I have refused various treatments - nasal irrigation comes to mind. I just couldn't fit it into my time and really really hate doing it! Plus I'm not convinced it would be worth the inconvenience. I'm a BAD PATIENT! LOL!

COPD Patients May Reject Medical Advice Due to Treatment Burdens 

Have you later had a Doctor explain the benefits and then changed your mind and complied? They generally (in my experience) don't have the time or the patience to do this. Just my opinion. What do you think?

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I looked until I found a doctor who WOULD listen!  I left one who, when I asked about the various quit smoking methods (I had not found this site yet), told me to "stick on a patch, get some carrot and celery sticks and just do it."  I never went back (and I had been going to him for 20 years!).  I found one who not only listens to me, but will discuss his recommendations.  My cholestorol was high and he wanted me to take Lipitor.  Had heard BAAAAAAD things about that class of drugs and didn't want to take it.  I had just been to my vascular surgeon who had done an ultrasound of my extremity and carotid arteries and they were clear.  When I told him this, he said I didn't have to take it.   I KNOW this conversation would not have taken place with my old doctor.  Don't assume they know all about you; they have probably seen 20 of you already that day and they are only human. If you don't want to do what they recommend, tell them, and ask if there are alternatives.  I ALWAYS ask for Plan B - in case I like it better than Plan A. Take notes of what you want to ask - and don't give them a chance to leave until you've asked them.  If you have a follow-up after you leave, CALL (or - if they have a portal, send an e-mail).

It's YOUR life and health.  Don't just, :"yes,  sir, yes, ma'am."  They put their pants on one leg at a time -  just like us!




I did not want to go on oxygen even though it is only at doctor did not convince me to do it, YOU did, Thomas.  You explained to me the damage that I could be doing by not using the oxygen at night and I agreed to use it.  When I first quit smoking and I was really sick, I refused to be hospitalized, particularly since they wanted to admit me to ICU.  I am not a good patient but I am an amazing nurse!



We are SO lucky that Thomas works so hard to keep us informed....but your DOCTOR should have explained that to you, too.  I won't get up on my soapbox again - but it's not because I am not tempted!!!



YoungAtHeart‌ My doctor has the personality of a wet dish rag.  She does not speak unless spoken to and I had to advocate for all of the testing I had done.  There are not a lot of pulmonologists around here.  It took me over three months to get my first appointment.

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Keep making new appointments, check others out,  and while you wait, get copies of all your test results from her.  There is NO excuse for a lousy bedside manner and if that is any indication of their quality, you need to keep looking.  It COULD really matter at some point!



The surgeon who did my surgery is also in that office.  It's really weird because she has a crappy personality too.  The nurses are amazing, they are really responsive and caring and I like talking to them.  You are right, though, I could probably go to UVA and find someone there, the thing is, I would likely see a different doc every time since it us a teaching hospital but they are really good.  The surgeon works out of there but I don't see her any more.

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