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Give and get support around quitting



I'm appreciating all the help and suggestions I am getting. I am still smoking just a few cigs a day until my quit date in 9 days. I am looking forward to be done smoking forever. My mom died at 58 from copd which i have as well. I am 55 and am looking forward (hopefully) to having grandkids someday.

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9 Replies

Great decision you found the right place for sure you can do this 

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My quit day was yesterday and it has not been (so far) near as difficult as I thought it would be.  I've been using the 21 mg Nicorette patch and that seems to be doing the trick.  My only problems so far are getting that "it's time to go smoke now" trigger silenced.  Congratulations on make this choice, you won't regret it!

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Hi, Connie, keep an eye out for our Thomas, who shares a wealth of knowledge about COPD and quitting smoking with it. He is an inspiration and a huge help. You can do this!

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Connie, I have COPD and was diagnosed in 2010. I have successfully stopped smoking with the help of this site. Like Brenda said, Thomas publishes a wealth of information about COPD. He suffers from it also. You'll learn so much about yourself with this quit. I call it a journey of self discovery. Make the DECISION to quit and there's no luck involved.

Candy      d130

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how much were you smoking normally?

there's going to be a threshold where your nicotine receptors may be put into withdrawl.

I don't know if you are using the patch or other aid?

if not, the nicotine leaves your body after three days so why (if you smoked more than those few a day) keep yourself in withdrawl for 9 days instead of three?

you have to be the judge

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i just don't want you to be in withdrawal longer than necessary and then think your whole quit is going to be like that and be discouraged.

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It's wonderful that you have decided to take control and be rid of this horrible addiction. Please do the suggested reading - I know - I can hear what you're thinking. But I promise there is no lecturing. It's reading you've never even thought of.  Try it!

Jonescarp  is right - if you "dangle that carrot" just to the edge, the cravings will be constant and you will be in a state of constant " withdrawal".

Educate yourself on the addiction - it will make a night-and-day difference!

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Everything you hear about the joys of Grandkids is true. I loved my children but grandchildren are the most wonderful creatures so take care of yourself so you will be around when they arrive. The others have given you good advice. They are smart and they have been exactly where you are right now. We will be with today, in 9 days and in 909 days. We all help each get through.

We are all in this together. There will always be a hand reaching out to pick you up, should you fall.

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I want to be a grandma too. I'm 54 and quit on 9/30/13.  Good luck in your quit.

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