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smbacon16's Status Update on 09/01/2019

Starting over again, but hey... going 2.5 days is still progress & it never helps beating myself up over falling back. I’m trying a medication to dull the cravings since they take over pretty fast (or I let them, but hey, if it helps!) New month, new week, new attempt. I’m feeling this! 
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4 Replies

Yay for you.  It sure is progress because it's one day at a time and you already have 2.5!  

Okay, let's start again by recognizing what went wrong. The Why? Then have a plan on What to you are going to do When it happens again because life keeps coming at us even ex-smokers.. Get ready with understanding your addiction and your triggers.  I used Welbutrin, it took the edge off of the craves but I still had to work it and make a commitment that no matter what I would not smoke.  Make a vow to yourself never to ever touch anything involved with smoking, vaping, puffing chewing. Get rid of all of it.  We are here to support you.

Craves are annoying, but everyone of them you get over builds your smobriety foundation. Keep working your quit one day at a time. 🙂

Great, don't add undue stress over a minor setback! 
​Do, as JACKIE1-25-15 states, identify the thing that got you. 
​Do adjust your strategy to take out what didn't work and identify something new to see if it does work. 
​Anything else would be insanity. 

Glad to have you back, keep fighting! 
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