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smbacon16's Status Update on 08/28/2019

Anyone else make excuses for themselves too easily? Today was supposed to be my quit day... then I missed my alarm for work & started puffing away. I’m on break and re-committing for the rest of the day. Bumping my quit day until tomorrow but I don’t want that to become a habit. Thoughts on discipline? 
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We all have made Excuses for not quitting.  Mine was the fear of gaining weight.  I had to come to the conclusion that quitting smoking was more important than me gaining a little weight.  I am glad you are committing because that is what it really takes. NOPE no matter what.  Take smoking off the table and do something else.   Discipline starts with reprogramming the mind that you do not HAVE to smoke along with the willingness to do whatever is necessary NOT to smoke.  Discipline is relearning behavior.  It does not happen over not.  Have a plan B if A  is not working. Cross the line to freedom and stay there.  It will get better. 

Welcome to the Ex. That first day can be a bit scary, so just remember it's one day at a time.  Have you educated yourself about nicotine addiction and created a quit plan? My Quit Plan on the Ex will help get you started.  Having a plan ready for situations like this morning is what makes the difference.  