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Share your quitting journey

Day 15

8 8 90

After nicotine is out of your body it is all mental!! Can u imagine that?!  I remind myself if this fact.  Nicotine free so chill Rach.  You're a non smoker now.  Drink some water, breath, chew some gum, run a mile.  All things nonsmokers do!! So thankful to be smoke free now and leveling out these crazy emotions. Coming off smog is tough but so worth it!!! Great job everyone on staying smoke free TODAY!! If you slipped, no worries, brush yourself off and don't even give it a second thought.  Its never to late to start over!! N. O. P. E.  No reason is a GOOD reason!!  

15 DOF 

About the Author
Went to the school of hard knocks and at the end of it ALL .... I met JESUS!! HE SAVED MY SOUL AND CHANGED MY LIFE. BEAUTY REALLY CAN AND DOES RISE FROM ASHES!!