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Minniemousesharon's Status Update on 02/13/2020

Tomorrow is my quit date ! Wish me luck. I take care of my mom here at the house and I have a lot of stress so I really want to quit . between taking care of her and I have COPD I'm digging an early grave for myself. I want to quit more than anything.
11 Replies

Welcome and congratulations. Quitting is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Learn and prepare yourself Use the site Mark posted above. Anytime you have a urge post before you give in let us help       You can do this 

Welcome to the community Minniemousesharon please read everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination in those early days and weeks of quitting smoking BUT boy oh boy it's so worth it to be Free plus we're all here to help you in any way we can so stay close and pick your quit date and at the end of your Day ONE you'll be able to say YAY for DAY WON with many more to come, you can do this quit believe it....

Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  Educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.  My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX   Unfortunately, many of us have a lot of stress in our lives in this society.   Smoking may seem likes it helps to deal with it, but in actuality it creates more.  Because we're addicted, we believe it solves all of our problems.  It's the best decision you can make for your health.  The support here can make all the difference.  So read and post if you like. We're here to support you, so just reach out.

Sorry in my comment above I said to pick your quit date somehow in your post I missed the word tomorrow which is probably today, deep breaths and keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and at the end of the day you'll be able to do say YAY for Day WON you can and will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time and we're all here for you. Minniemousesharon

You CAN do this and as you progress on your smokefree journey, you will learn so many things about yourself.  This addiction is powerful and there is no luck involved in quitting.  I used the mantra NOPE, Not One Puff Ever when I quit and I said it over and over again.  I came to this site every morning and every evening and often in between if I had time.  I have COPD too and it is not an easy thing to live with...smoking really does nothing FOR us, only TO us.

​Welcome to EX, you are not alone on this journey.

Thank you all for the support

Welcome to Ex’s come here for support we are here for you...~ Colleen

I didn't think about joining a support group last time I tried to quit. I have to say I feel like this was one of my best decisions