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Give and get support around quitting


Tips for a new Ex

I've set my quit date for Saturday. I'm nervous but I know I can do this. It's easier during the day, if I keep busy at work. Driving to and from work is a lot scarier. I know through Christ all things are possible. However, I'm nervous about driving and seeing as how I'm a manager in customer service, sometimes after dealing with a customer i feel the urge to really go smoke. I am looking for tips on things I can do instead of smoking. One person suggested after meals creating the new habit of brushing your teeth vs smoking. Any other suggestions??? 

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24 Replies

It's going. I'm trying to figure out this website. I love it but it seems hard to manage. Idk if it's because i'm on my phone or what? Is there an app or mobile site for it?

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Say it.  Mean it.  Do it!


the easiest hard thing you will ever do.  congrats to YOU.


Thinking of you today on your first day! You can do this. Come here and read every chance you get!  


I'm trying. I am suppose to be getting ready to go to my friend's bday dinner but have been playing on this website and trying to find out if there is an app or an easier way to read everything from your phone vs a computer


There is no app yet for this site, as far as I know.  But I believe you can turn you phone sideways and maybe see things better that way? 


You've got this! I am in quit kit prep mode myself, so I can't completely relate, but will follow your experience so I can learn and cheer you on! Slips are ok according to what I've read elsewhere, just don't give up on the end game!



FB_IMG_1474117462016 (1).jpgWelcome with him all things are possible and this too shall pass my quit day was June 5 and every one here will guide you help you welcome you assist you great warm people


Well guys!! I'm 2 days smoke free. I did take a few drags of my security guards and actually felt sick. I am super proud and excited. I know I'm not over the hurdle yet and that I will have to take it one day at a time. However, I want to thank all of you again. The encouragement from here and my quit texts that I signed up for are amazing!! The cool thing is Sunday... Was a full day at home and Monday was a full day at work. So I've had a little bit of both. Plus that list of 101 things to do is awesome!! While driving today, I played with silly putty. So it hasn't been as hard with the's more of the habit. Like I'll finish a task and be like "ok smoke break"...then I'll say oh wait "no more smoking." So that's what I'm working on. Thanks again!