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Give and get support around quitting


Fell off the wagon and frustrated

I'm Mike. This is my 5th time trying to quit. I fell off the wagon today. While I've had one or two everyday since, I bought a pack  today.Been at for a month now. I'm taking Chantix. Cravings are gone. Just can't find any other way to cope with stress or my temper. Bought ready to give up but I really don't want to. Even though I thoroughly enjoy smoking. At my wit's end.

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58 Replies

You just need to change your mind about smoking.   If you think that that 1 or 3 a day is a stress relief rethink it. It's really causing you more stress! What do you thoroughly enjoy about smoking?  You can get past that. What we all enjoyed about smoking was getting a nicotine fix to put off withdrawal but you're smoking so little that it sounds more like a habit issue and fear of just letting go completely because you think you're going to miss it. When you change your mind you'll see that it's just the addict voice talking to you.Learn How to Quit Smoking (and Make it Stick) 


I couldn't agree more. Been telling myself that all day. Thank you.


Hi Mike, I would find different outlets for my stress and anger.  I find a good brisk walk helps with that.

I know you can DO this.  Stay close, set a quit date and then smoking is not an option.  Following the exercises here helps.  I thought I enjoyed smoking too, and then thought to myself what is it I exactly enjoy about inhaling deadly smoke into my lungs?  I wish you all the best with this.  Stay close read, read, read.

quitsmokingonline is a good site to read as well as Allen Carr's book, The Easy way to quit smoking.



Greetings, Mike, I, also have attempted several times to quit. But, frankly, Quitting means first of all NOT smoking. So, this 'quit' has not even begun yet... Listen to the Elders, as they have much more wisdom than I do. My only advice is to keep on Quitting and Put the smokes DOWN. Completely. Even one smoke means smoking, not quitting.... 


Thank you. 


I think I get it..... one or two a day to a heavy smoker almost feels like one has quit but until you stop completely you have not officially  quit .  I cut down while wearing the nicotine  patch for about a week before my quit date or maybe even 2 weeks it is hard to remember now .  When I reached my quit date I stopped smoking cigarettes  completely , I don't know anything about chantix. I did the patch for the full amount of time  and occasional  nicorette lozenges 

I can relate to the temper and stress my two biggest triggers , Being on this site and being able to vent  and get advice helped me a lot . I used cigarettes to smother my anger and stress for so many years it has certainly been a learning experience for me to deal with anger without the crutch of smoking but I have been doing it for 27 months now and it gets easier all the time . 

I had quit many times in the past but only made it a few months at most . Joining Ex was the the best decision for helping me to quit !welcome glad you are here.jpg ex quit 3.jpg


That to a t sounds like me and what I'm going. I think it officially took me breaking down and admitting to myself that 1 or 2 a day would eventually lead me back to losing my battle again. After I'm very determined this time. I refuse to let cigarettes beat me this time and I'm a very stubborn person. Thanks

My quit day was the last day and I won't have another one ever. Thank you for the message. It's also very comforting to know that if I need to just put something out there about what I'm going thru I have everybody on here to keep me on track with comments and ideas to get me thru this. Greatly appreciated.


Mike your not along i have been on chintix for a while, i need to get off of then i am still smoking.   i hope things work out for you.

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Yeah while helps, Chantix just takes the craving away. For me, the hardest part is the habit. On day 3 today. It's getting easier. Been trying to just chew gum. It's been working. Good luck to you also. Quitting smoking for me is harder than giving up any other thing. It's definitely a battle. 

Go pittfan!  Day 3!  Whoohoo!  Almost past withdrawal, according to the scientists, anyway.

Keep it up!  1 ... 2 ... 3 ...

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