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I'm craving hard. So hard it's hard for me to connect with the reason I quit. It feels like day 3. I want to smoke but don't want to start over. Help

16 Replies

Really?  You want another Day One? Of course you don't.  You have to remember cravings PASS.  Get through tonight.  Just get through tonight.  Tomorrow you'll wake up and and say "Oh thank God I didn't cave."  This is someone's nightmare.  Don't make it your reality.   

What's the real reason you quit?  Not to have pleasant breath, nice teeth, so you don't have to stand out in the rain - the reason you quit is because you're afraid what smoking will do to you.  You've read enough about what it's done to others on this site, I would think.  Believe that reality for yourself.  THAT's why you quit smoking.  You quit so you won't get cancer.  You quit so you won't have to wear a little oxygen tube around your face while you carry around your oxygen tank with you in supermarkets.  "What keeps me motivated to quit?I wanna stay quit for the freedom it will give me. Freedom from worrying about my health, and freedo..."

Stop romancing the effects, the good things you think you got from smoking.  Turn your focus and shut the door on the thoughts.  Don't dwell there.  DO something.  Play a game, listen to music get up and MOVE.  YOU have the power to control your actions.  Act accordingly.  You can do this!


Deep breathing close your eyes clear your mind breath in slowly exhale slowly keep repeating.

So many great ideas BeccaLynn! Do you see how many people are cheering for you? So will you decide on a dead leaf or will you decide to listen to your Friends? We're waiting to hear back from you!


We are here for you!  head to the swings, go down the slide, call someone, think about little piglets, shake your head real hard, think of a baby giggling, try to remember the last time you saw a live non domesticated animal that wasn't a bird, find the exact center of a room, anything!!!!!

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"Do you want to feel like you did on Sunday, or do you want to feel like you did on Wednesday?"

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Remember this:  That crave will go away whether or not you smoke - so choose to not smoke.  You can get through need to put yourself in a position of having to start over.  Starting over is a lot tougher than riding this crave out.  


And look!  We are celebrating YOU on the Freedom Train today!  Come and join in on the fun! 

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