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Messed up

Hi everyone,

I messed up yesterday and smoked. I was on day 8 and I messed up. I got into a huge fight with my son, my car broke down so went to my neighbor for a cigarette. All day I was fine, I thought, but now these horrible cravings are bothering me now. Someone mentioned that there a cravings button to push when your having cravings but I don’t know where to find it.


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14 Replies

The cravings are back because you fed those brain receptors nicotine and now they want their next fix. 

They were starting to die off - and now you are back to Day One.

Make a plan NOW how else to handle a difficult situation without smoking - maybe you could have called a friend, or blogged "HELP" here, or gone for a walk, or taken slow/deep breaths, or.............................

After your plan is in place, stick to it!

You can do this; don't let one bad decision derail your ultimate success at this!

You CAN do this!  Let us help!


Sorry to hear that you had a smoke, but I hope you continue with your quit and don't decide to go back. I'm not sure about a craving button, I've never seen one. 


You messed up.  Yup.  You allowed excuses (well, the addiction) to dictate your next cigarette.  Got into a huge fight, car broke down.... whatever happened that caused you to head to your neighbors to "get a fix," you are now back to day one.  And that's no fun.  I've been there more than once so I know.  Of course the cravings are back full force.  As Nancy said above me.   

So - what did you learn from it all?  I can tell you from my own experience that every time I gave up my quit, I smoked just as much for a longer period of time.  So I hope you don't do that.  Sounds like you jumped right back into the saddle and that's good.  But you're suffering because of it.  That's understandable too. 

I don't know about a "craving button" but I do know that if you write a blog with HELP in the title, that's an alert for us when we get on here and read blogs.  Oh, I see Nancy mentioned that too.  So that's what you need to do.  Come here, get on this website BEFORE you trot off to your neighbor's or to your local cigarette shop.‌.  

You kept the THE POSSIBILITY DOOR‌ open.  Until you close it, you will always have the hope and opportunity in your head to go back to what you are trying to rid yourself of.  

So - how to overcome all that?  I think you need to really sit down with yourself and ask and answer serious questions.  Is there anything that will make me give up my quit?  If so - what?  Why can't I fully commit to my quit?  Actually a blog I wrote for serial quitters may help:  /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/03/25/for-the-serial-quitters-out-there   There are, of course, craving buster techniques:  Craving Buster Technique  and 

We learn and grow as we go.  Keep at it.  It's worth the effort.


Nicotine is v e r y addictive  Juliejules2456

Stopping and starting will just make your life miserable...  The addiction to the drug Nicotine is just that!  When you have “just one” there is N E V E R that...  And it does N O T become easier when you stop and start again...  It is literally “starting all over again” and just as hard!

If you want to win, there is only one way...  Do not buy, beg or borrow another butt, and you will be successful!

Quitting smoking is a challenge.  The definition of a challenge is to confront or deny boldly.


To be prepared for that challenge and to win a life of better health and well being, click on the link below to learn about the challenges to become smoke free:


As they say "get back on the horse." You deserve to be a nonsmoker. Start with day one again and ask for help if a situation arises that you think a cigarette will help solve it. We want you here with us.


Keep up the good quit


Hi Julie Juliejules2456 

First, don’t beat yourself made a choice and now you must start’s ok...the important part is not to give up on this journey.  Also, learn from it ... next time you feel defeated by life and want to go to your neighbors to smoke, come here and tell us what is going on and that you want to smoke...let us try and talk you out of it...if you still want to smoke, well ok, but just maybe coming here will stop you from going to your neighbor.  Anyways, trust me, we have all been there, redo the work and restart your journey...Hugs hon out to you ....~ Colleen 667 DOF 


Hi there!!  I'm so sorry you smoked  , I know you are disappointed with yourself.  I always remember the saying "If I smoke one cigarette I'll be back where I started.  Where I started was desperately wishing I were where I am right now".   Eight days was an awesome start, and I know you wish you were back there.  And you WILL be back there, and further, one step and one craving at a time.  

Great job getting back to it.  You can't undo it, but you can learn from it.  You've gotten great advice above, make a plan for when something similar arises (as it will... life doesn't stop throwing crap at us because we quit smoking  ).  

huge fight with my son, my car broke down 

Realize that these are not reasons to smoke, only excuses caused by the addiction.  Also completely absorb the fact that smoking did not settle the fight with your son nor did it fix your car.   It only added to your problems, instead of two you have three.  Internalize that thought so that next time you have the thought that just one cigarette will make it all better, you'll know that it won't.

Best to you!  

and p.s. stress/anger is one of the biggest triggers out there.  I remember distinctly being so happy after my first tiffaroo with hubs where the thought of a cigarette did NOT enter my mind!  It was a breakthrough for me.  But it didn't happen that early in my quit.


Don't look back. Get right back on track and move forward with your quit.  The important thing is to learn where you went wrong.  Reach out before you smoke.  That's what we're here for.  Is this what you mean? 


Yes, I guess that is what someone was saying. I thought it was a button lol but no, it’s just asking for HELP in a emergency situation.