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Shout your stats

For Wayne and I shouting our stats in the beginning was a great way to stay motivated  in those hard days and moments. So what are your stats??

Ours are 444 days quit, 26664 unsmoked death sticks, saved a ton of cash, and time added to our life

1,556 Replies

Congratulations KellanC74 on you 11 months of smoke free living  I'm glad things are going well.   

How is your little puppy doing


1,384 of smoke free dancing


1,386 days of no smokers breath 


5663 days

I am quit 4 years and 3 months, did not smoke 63,291 cigarettes, saved $24.715.13.  Man, that's enough for a brand-new car... well, almost


WOW crazymama_Lori‌.. great stats! So happy for you 

As for me, my stats are: 

140 days quit / 2100 cigarettes not smoked 


Suzy I honor your 140 days not smoked.  After relapsing on November 11th and December 28th of last year, (correct me if I'm wrong) I think your 140 days is spectacularly spectacular.  And I hope you've "got this" this time.  It's work.  I know.  And it changes all thetime.  I know that too.  But if we just keep saying "I won't go back there to another day one" we never have to.  SuzyQ411

My stats are from my quit counter that I got off 10 years ago:

Giulia - Free and maintaining my quit for Fourteen Years, Two Months, Twenty Four Days, 11 Hours and 55 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 541 Days and 14 Hours, by not smoking  155985 cigarettes that would have cost me at least $58,385.21.

Interestingly when I try to copy my stats from that quit counter what it doesn't show is the first paragraph.  Which, to me, is perhaps the most important since I wrote it myself (and not the program which just put in the stats in italics above).  

May I reiterate the point I made for myself:  "I may want to smoke now and again.  But I will not."  We always have the choice to smoke or not.  But it's the choice not to that we need to cling to when nearing relapse.


Thank you so much for your positive and encouraging post. YES, you have my dates correct in your post. On November 11, 2019 I had "just one". On December 28, I fully relapsed and smoked my brains out until I quit this last time on January 6, 2020.

As I believe I shared with you previously, your blog post, "How Precious is Your Quit" is the life - changer this time around. My quit is precious enough that I will maintain it no matter what in order to hang onto my precious wooden cross.

So, thank you for that as well  And another thanks for this: "I may want to smoke now and again.  But I will not.


1,387 days of not smoking  41,610 unsmoked killers.  The damaged I caused is still there but the results of my 4th lung scan again showed no new growth or change in existing condition    I could be a lot worse if I smoked those damn things


1,389 Awesome days even with some of those dats being bumpy they were still Smoke Free Awesome