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Why am I being so hateful

I being hateful to my partner.  I being hateful to the .  How do I stop this?

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17 Replies


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First, Huge Congratulations on 2 months quit smoking Julie 1960!!!

Good job posting.  Venting here helps your quit!

You and your body are adjusting.

We are used to instant gratification.

We go through PAWS, Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms and Relapse Prevention Strategies  and acetylcholine levels are adjusting.

You are normal. Be patient with yourself.

Deep breathing helps.

Most of us were grumpy early in our quits.  Apologizing alot lol and many warning others.

Things will level out.

Keep working your quit!



to life~

Mr. Emotions is taking over the Control Chair of your life.

Since you so rightfully tossed out Mr. Butts from that Seat, Mr. Emo wants to take over!!!

(There is more to quitting smoking than *just* giving up cigarettes!!)

Apologize immediately to those who's head you bit off !!!

A slice of Humble Pie does us quitters good!!

Look deep inside...see if you are not using your Quit as a License to be Nasty!!

Deep breaths....get back to Center.

This is a tumultuous time in your Life...

Quitting is a Full Time Job in the Beginning!!!

Hang in there!!!


Oh, man. I get it. I was hateful to my dogs for at least 2 weeks after quitting. And that's totally unlike me, because my dogs are my babies! I just had absolutely no patience. I knew it was my brain chemistry reacting to nicotine withdrawal, but it was still hard to bear. I think the only thing you can really do is grit your teeth and hang on. And know that it WILL pass. Ask your loved ones for a little extra patience right now. Be patient with yourself. And give the dog some extra loves when you aren't feeling so angry. Do lots of deep breathing. I practiced deep breathing before speaking to anyone.

It will get better. I promise.



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Has anyone share this with you?   I know the dogs might not understand...




You stop it by bringing your stuff to Ex. Quitters get it. So keep hanging around, keep talking. 


You might find the answer above. Nice comments.

1) The other reason could be you are not completely ready to get I mean? If you are not completely ready, and you are quitting out of some pressure, the boiling emotions, and anger goes to nearest and dearest. Worth Check with yourself.

2) Good to read Alan Carr book on how to quit smoking. If you would have read, good to have reading once more.

3) Write your blog here; we will read...advantage is while you write, your furious mind  will calm down a little.

All the best !