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Give and get support around quitting


New quitter

I Juuled for 8 months, then quit a few days ago; given that I'm an anxious addicted personality, the withdrawals *really* suck; could use some help getting through the first few days. Does it get easier?

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5 Replies

Hi and Welcome to Ex’s davidguirgis 

Congratulations on quitting the JUUL...I quit smoking cigarettes 281 days ago and I can tell you, it does get better...but the body takes time to heal from all the chemicals/nicotine we put in our body.  Read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX to help you with craves/triggers...just replace smoking cigarettes with smoking JUUL.  Also, you need to find healthy things to do in place of, pray, exercise, take a walk, come here and support others in their journey, etc.,  /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=54ad... 

Honestly, we are all addicts...and we have to stay vigilant and work hard for the the end the freedom is well worth it...~ Colleen 281 DOF 


HI David  -  I am One week in here on quitting vaping .....whew.....I am doing this and you can do this also.....getting rid of all vape stuff is imperative and I also am prepared for the car with corn nuts ranch flavor and water bottle and gum and cough drops in peppermint. Seriously, you can do this. I went for a walk in the middle of the day and after dinner (things I have not done in years) so just varying my routine. Instead of reading on the porch I now read in another breakfast standing up .... do leg lifts first thing in am with my coffee....I am here to encourage you and I know you can do this. When it was real bad in the beginning I just wondered into a room looked for red things and counted them and then did this with blue things then yellow get the was simple distraction for my brain and moving my legs while being distracted seems to help with craving and IT WILL PASS and you will do great.


DOF 7 


Yah, it gets easier. Get through this and you will not have to ever go through this again if you don't want to. Stick with Ex, read, blog. Know that you are not alone. 


Yes, it gets easier. You have to change the way you think.  I have to reprogram your brain that you do not need a cigarette. You to talk yourself out of vaping.  Stay close.

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CONGRATS 4 DAYS! Yahoooooooooo WAY TO GO

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