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Give and get support around quitting


Feeling sad

After doing okay for 5 days , tonight I feel very sad and lost . 

This feeling I didn’t have when I quit years ago but I had kids then and was married . 

Empty nester and divorced now ( all in past 16 months ) so I feel like smoking was my friend . Until it wasn’t . 

Not even craving a cigarette. Just feel very blah and lost . 

Any tips on how to get through the feelings . 


19 Replies

I understand you. I remember feeling that same feeling. Like a loss a sadness not a crave. I realized, with help from this site, that those are memory craves. Remembering other times and smoking. You feel so much is gone and now that too. Smoking was not, is not your friend. It will make you very sick as I am finding out. I wish I had quit sooner. I can only go forward. So can you. We are here for you.  We understand you. Take it hour by hour. Day by  day. You want to stop. You just need some support to help you. I will help you. This site and the Elders will too. Distract yourself anyway you have to. It WILL pass. Remember no ever died from giving up smoking - only from not giving it up. You want to quit and you will. Sending you a gentle hug and my support


Thank you , Barb . It’s a strange feeling but I’ll accept it and not try to fight it off . 

It’s like a black cloud is over my head after I’ve has sunshine for past 5 days ....

I’m mighty . I know it will pass and it helps so much to know others have went through the same feelings . 


First of all hugs to you.

I get too. I felt like I gave up a close friend when I quit smoking. You've gone through alot and its natural to feel sad even if you were not a smoker. Things will look brighter, I promise. Meantime perhaps this would be a nice time to express your thoughts in a journal. I did this. I love journaling. You could work thorough some private emotions and perhaps see them in a different light later. Maybe list the things you want to work on as well as the good things you currently have. It can be a great way to personal growth.

Quitting smoking brings forth alot of emotions and this can be like new spring growth if you choose to look at it differently for now.



Congratulation on five days smoke-free.  That is so WONDERFUL.  Here is a link that I found for you to study and read.  There is a wealth of information here.  All you have to do is type in a key and you are off to researching.  Plus this will take your mind off of your situation.  Education is the key to a successful quit.   The more you read, study and ask questions. You will learn to protect your quit. Hang tough, never give in never give up.   Protect the 5 days you have managed through with NOPE no matter what is happening your life.  Smoking will not fix it  It is only a drug fix. You are in HELL NO I will NOt SMOKE Week 2 more days to go to.  7 days then 14, 21, 30 50 and on and on.  You can do this.  It is a withdrawal symptom. Whatever you have to go through is worth it. Keep it going. Stay close to the site. We are here to support you. 

Music creates dopamine.


Everyone talks about the first 3 days being the hardest.  I still say Day 5 is the worst.  It was for me, and I see people here talk about it a lot.  Wish I had a good tip to give you.  I just kind of survived it somehow.  I decided I wouldn't smoke and I would let it get as bad as it had to get.  Hated it, but got through it.  You will to.  Might not feel that way now, but you will.


Unfortunately, that feeling “losing a friend” is so much a part of this journey.  We all went through this feeling.  I find quitting smoking is very much like death / divorce etc., it is learning to go through one’s day without the smokes and finding other interests which isn’t easy...Hang in there, you have gone through a lot in a short amount of time.  You will get it through it, but it takes time...get some rest and early sleep, often the next day can feel so different.  Sending good vibes your way hon ~ Colleen 136 DOF 


I smoked for 37 years and know darn well I had lots of sad days. It’s normal to have those days that you just kind of feel blah or out of sorts. Can you honestly say that when you smoked every day was wonderful? I hardly think so. 

Sometimes life is just plain hard.  Smoking doesn’t fix anything. Just hang in there and stay out of your head. You know darn well that you wouldn’t have made the decision to quit if everything was hunky dory. Trust yourself. 

We we are here for you!



I can so relate to how you feel.  I’m alone now in a house that is so very quiet and sad.  Too many losses recently.  I didn’t really have a choice about adding in quitting.  It’s a challenge.  You aren’t alone in feeling that.