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Give and get support around quitting


2 weeks in

I have 2 weeks off smoking today.  I am going cold .  On this website they say after day 3 your cravings should be getting better.  Mines are getting worse.  But I expected this it happened when I quit before I had cravings for a few months with time it does get better though.  I just hope I can keep this going I really want a cigarette but I know I cannot stop at one I will smoke the whole pack before the day is out.  To everyone quitting keep up the good work

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11 Replies

It's much more than a physical thing, that's why you still feel it. The cravings kind of turn into memories of smoking that feel nostalgic. We all need to learn how to live without smoking now. How do you reward yourself? How do you feel good? What can you do to distract from the feelings if you need to? I used Tootsie Pops and Twizzlers and crocheting.


As each person is unique, so is every quit.  This addiction has two parts:  the physical should mostly be dealt with after the first couple of weeks.  THEN it's the psychological which I believe is the more difficult of the two  Change up your routines to reduce the association.  Get creative with your daily life.  The more triggers you can eliminate, the easier this will be. 

Think about ways you can do all of your routine activities differently - do them in a different order.  Change the driving routes to your normal spots, or find different "normal spots."  Keep your mind and hands busy with things that you didn't used to do when you smoked.

This takes effort in the early days - but it is worth ALL that you put into it to be free.



Hi And Welcome to Ex's 

Congratulations on 2 weeks of the Quit...everyone is different with their urges and craves.

I am so happy you found our site.  You are not alone, in fact you are no different then all of us.  You are an addict.

This journey takes work, knowledge and preparation. I suggest you go to  My Quit Plan.  Here you will read about quitting and a lot of what happens to you.  You can also still create a plan personal to you even if you already quit smoking.


Read other's blogs to learn everything about quitting.  I suggest the one below especially...

  100+ Things to do instead of smoking 


Keep close to the site to support others and to get help.


We are in this journey together...Choose Life over Cigarettes...I won't kid isn't easy, but it is doable.  If we can do it, you can too...


Colleen 105 DOF 

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     Welcome to Ex. I like to think of quitting as being about building smobriety. Nicotine addiction is about dependency and in no way is the dependency broken after being out of the body after three days (I've heard this before and don't understand the thinking)--not for most who quit. For one thing the mind remembers the physical experience, associations, attachments, habituation. Smobriety is about growing out of the addiction one day at a time. The smoking life is replaced with the smober life. 

      Wanting a cigarette is not the same as an first few days crave. It sounds to me (my opinion only--take what you need and leave the rest) as though you are romancing your old smoking life. I know I did. I quit cold turkey and mostly without support (did not find Ex til a few years in my smobriety). I looked back at smoking as if it made life good and I feared I'd never stop feeling that way. Thankfully I kept pushing forward!!! 

      Keep your smobriety, you've earned two weeks and congratulations on that. Keep building on your quit. You had your reasons for quitting and now you are making it work.  by Jackie--an Exer  also by Jackie by Thomas--an Exer


This sounds like one of my posts .. I’m on day 9.. cold turkey .. I could never stop at 1.. I don’t want to smoke anymore.. good luck on your journey.. 


There is NEVER such a thing as "just one" to an addict. A LOT of quits have been lost by that falsehood.   Those very few who can do that are not among us here..........



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PLEASE don't fall into that prison of addiction. you've quit before and you KNOW from past experience that even one drag from a cigarette will take you back to the same dam### prison. I've fallen into that trap so many times over 62 years but I kept believing that this time it would be different. it never was! You really don't want to smoke or you

wouldn't have joined this group. I could be wrong but I believe that the devil himself was trying to get me back smoking.


Welcome to the Ex and congrats on 2 weeks smoke free.  The cravings may never go away entirely, but become infrequent and with less intensity.  The psychological aspect is very strong.  We must always remain vigilant.  If you need help along the way, reach out.  We're here for you.
