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If only We Could Be

If only we could live up to this. What a kinder, loving, nicer world it would be


I hope this made you smile too.  Ok so let’s have more feedback on this. You know that our dogs think we can do everything.  They love us unconditionally.  We should never expose them to second hand smoke.  We should live up to their beliefs in us 

Im a dog and cat person. Heck I just love animals. Sorry no bugs. Just lady bugs, June bugs. I love hamsters, birds, lizards, mice, chipmunks etc  alll creatures big and small. I had the cops called on me when I was 13 and organized a sit in.  It was in a pet shop and I didn’t want them to feed mice to snakes. So I staged a sit in. Not fair. No fighting chance for those mice. Give the little guy a break. We all need a fighting chance

Anyway its it’s late and time for more prednisone. But the truth comes out. I want to be the kind of person that my dog and cat family truly think I am. That would be great. 

13 Replies

I love cats- and for ME - i would rather be what God says i am in the Bible- YET i do UNDERSTAND your concept- i state - let HUMANS think and ACT just like they DO - MOST OF THE HUMANS- like its CHRIST day- hmmmmmm- thanks you for sharing your fantasy too- gentle hug- please take what HELPS and let go of the rest- thank you. NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF OVER ME- not one puff ever- N. O. P. E.!!!!!

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I love animals!! One of the best things in life animals!!  Good morning to you.  Barb102




I like this because like you I love animals.  I would post a picture of my dog Peanut, but I don’t know how to put pictures on this site.  She is my world, so I think I live up to what she wants and need.  


I got in trouble when I was in college and I STOLE the mice we were supposed to dissect.  We were supposed to hold them in one hand and give them an injection and then cut into them.  There were a LOT of roommate and I "set them free."  I had completely forgotten about that until you talked about your sit in, hahaha.  I could NOT feed a snake a live mouse or a live ANYTHING.  I have never been good at the food chain.  

Love animals...pretty much ALL animals.  I do NOT like spiders...pretty much ANY spiders.

I think you could pretty easily learn to post a photograph, Colleen.  Click on the little camera and select a photo from your computer, you can size it by clicking on the corners of the pic.  You can also select a picture that is on line, it's really not very complicated.

You are doing GREAT,





sweetplt    PERFECT!  Knew you could do it. Is there a cat in that picture too or are there two dogs or is my vision getting even worse?



Haha that is her stuffed toy Lambchop...I had four cats throughout the years.  The last two were 10 when I brought Peanut home.  The cats loved her like she was their baby.  They both died around 14 years old.   I miss not having cats, but hubs asked if we could have a break on more animals for awhile.


Thanks Jackie ...

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