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Give and get support around quitting

what would happen

If we lost the internet for 10 days and had only voice communications on our phones?

      Would you lose your quit without the internet?

We've become overly dependent on our phones and the internet on our phones.

      I suggest you prepare for an emergency such as this.

      If you want to get someone's phone number to get reassurance, do it before the emergency.

Tommy wrote a post about this. 

3 Replies

Great point...we do need to have alternative ways to connect...thanks for the link.  I remember worrying about newbies when the old site would go down, this is a good reminder.



I would certainly hope the internet is not my quit life line however for those that don't have the support of family and/or friends I can see it being just that.  Reach out for help anywhere you can.....never give up the quit. The withdrawals aren't worth it.


I don't believe I'd lose my quit without the internet, and here's why:  I never think about smoking anymore until I come here. Sometimes it even surprises me that it's still an issue once in awhile. I was at a baby shower and took a glass of wine without thinking, and then was surprised that I didn't like it. It's too closely associated with smoking.