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Give and get support around quitting


Terrible Threes

Good morning to all.  Anybody remember the term Terrible Two's for toddlers?  I remember the 3's being worse.  I am heading on 2 weeks (Day 9) for me and I'm not sure, but I do believe my mind is wondering towards the next leg of my journey because I feel "dread".  My last quit lasted 19 days (that was the third week).  Maybe my brain is reminding me that the third week is when I lost my quit due to fearful thinking.  I am fearful that this is happening again.  I am mindful that I need to be in today and not in the future, but this nasty feeling is pulling at me.  I just wanted to come to this site because I know it has been my lifeline.  I plan on getting dressed and heading out to work.  I also plan on coming to this site as much as possible.  I will pack a healthy lunch, get down on my knees and praying (Ellen's suggestion has helped), have gum with me and plenty of water.  I plan on redirecting my thoughts and remembering how much I coughed and choked when I was smoking.  I will also think of my family and how we are going to be celebrating my youngest daughter's graduation from college in the spring as well as the trip we are planning to Disney for her graduation present.  All of these wonderful things will be present in my mind to help me overcome this feeling.  But I could use a little encouragement on today's journey.  Thanks in advance.



40 Replies

OMG!  I was (and am) the same way!  I lost a bunch of quits in the 3rd week.  I was convinced I was going to do it again on this quit.  But on Day 21, I started searching the internet for something to talk me out of it, and found this site.  My last quit, which was my longest, lasted 11 months.  That's coming up for me in April, and I'm already dreading it.  Of course, this is silly thinking.  We have support this time like we've never had before.  You are going to get through Week 3 unscathed, just as I will Month 11. 


Thanks tw5152017.  I am happy to know I am not alone in my fear.  I have been able to redirect my attention by reading and knitting.  I have to head out to work, so the trick will be not to give in and pass all stores that are on the way.  I will do this.  Thanks again I'm with you as you keep working past 11.




You, too!



This is a different quit.  You are better prepared!  You understand this addiction. You have support. 

Success happens when you want it to happen, and is not based on the past. .

There is no reason to dread Week Three.  You've GOT this.  Now - BELIEVE it!



Thanks Nancy.  Made it to work with a lot of self-talk and Ed Sheeran.  Here's to day 9.



Keep up this kind of work--you did it--you kept yourself off the butts. Congrats.


Thanks maryfreecig.  

0 Kudos

Praise God for you Michelle and excellent job 9 days NICOTINE FREE! Thank you Michelle is most excellent all equipped for this day..... on early recovery from nicotine it was suggested to use the Serenity Prayer..... God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..... relapsing in the past.....Courage to chang the things I can..... you prayed..... and the Wisdom to know the difference.... YOU MY BELOVED MICHELLE blogged BEFORE you took that first puff over you.... you asked for what you NEED....encouragement.... and you help ALL OF US here to STAY quit in this NEW DAY helping one another in LOVE.... you are a great helper teacher and good example RECOVERING from nicotine ONE day at a time by BREAKING down this day to manageable moments in being very well self disciplined and self controlled in your mind your will and your emotions WAY TO GO MICHELLE!!!!!!! Yahoooooo keep on keeping on GOD loves you and so do I for helping ME REMAIN quit with you in Jesus name amen Please take what helps and let go of rest to be helpful is MY only aim thank you again.... Michelle you are fabulous  looking at 9 days nicotine free!!!!!  


indingrl.01.06.2011.  Thank you so much.  Your reply is so wonderful and full of inspiration.  I made it through this morning and am feeling better.  I will continue to go on my knees and pray.  This is helpful as I felt a calmness when I did.  Love to you as well and bless you.
