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What if i disagree with a posting

I have had someone post a response to my conversation, and it was full of stuff I don't like and isn't helpful to me.  I don't want to argue, but neither do I want this person harping on their "advice" which isn't helpful.

Am I allowed to disagree and post my disagreement and tell the person their "yelling" (all caps) isn't helpful?

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10 Replies

I'm going to be very honest with you here.  There's been a few times where I've done quite a few eye rolls and even wanted to delete some comments made to some of my blogs because I too took offense to them.  But I stopped myself because I turned my thinking as maybe this may relate to someone else going through the same thing down the line.  I actually wrote a blog about this same subject, /blogs/crazymama_Lori-blog/2017/08/20/you-said-what?sr=search&searchId=d7757ab8-c3b0-4c24-9647-f6564...   

Now, on the subject about cutting down.  I hope you are using the exercise in the My Quit Plan about tracking your cigarettes.  This is a perfect time for you to learn why and when you smoke and what you can do to separate from them.  I applaud you being able to do that.  I couldn't, even in my wildest dreams.  I had no self control when those things were sitting somewhere in this house and I had access to them very early in my quit.  My daughter moved back home this year in March and every once in a while she leaves her purse sitting downstairs.  the cigarettes are staring me in the face, but the difference now is I just want to throw them in the garbage now instead of thinking I could steal a few.  that magnet attraction to those things have been broken for quite a while now.  You'll get there soon also.

So please hang in there.  Take some comments with a grain of salt for the moment.  Trust me, as you are further along in your quit and have some time under your belt.  Someday you may decide to look back on that blog and think, hmmm, now I get what they were saying OR you may just still shake your head at it.