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Give and get support around quitting


1 1/2 days until my quit date

I think I have prepared myself to handle triggers.  I have done the research and the reading recommended.  I have spent hours thinking about quitting and preparing to quit.  I have written down the reasons I want to quit and have posted them everywhere.  I think I can.  But, I am so scared I want to cry!  As I write this, tears are welling up in my eyes.  I am afraid to fail.  I am afraid I won't be able to throw away that partial bag of tobacco and cigarette roller.  I really have enjoyed smoking, but I KNOW how bad it is.  It is hurting me.  I need to break up with the addition.  I left an abusive relationship 9 years ago, and it feels like that.  Saying good-bye hurt.  I cried for days even though I knew it was the right thing to do.  After I left him, I still thought about him and wanted him, but I NEVER went back.  After 6 months or so, I was completely over it.  And didn't replace him with another, but just found my happy self once again.  So many people told me to leave him throughout the years, and I knew I should have, but didn't listen.  I had to do it myself.  Quitting smoking really, really, feels like those times.  I am scared and know I must quit, but am afraid I might not be able to.  I feel physically ill thinking about it.

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19 Replies

What a wonderful analogy.  It is like getting out of an abusive relationship.  And as you know, there is a lot of pain as you heal.  You will make it, even through the pain!


Let's look at that fear.  You're scared to fail?  If you fail, you'll go back to smoking, which you know how to do.  And when you're ready, you'll quit again.  You're scared of pain?  Sure, everyone is.  But you've proven yourself courageous and strong in the past.  We don't call it Hell Week for nothing, but it's absolutely DOABLE, especially if you keep coming here every day.  Having a quit date can increase anxiety to overwhelming heights.  The tears are probably a mixture of anxiety, regret, and sorrow.  Absolutely normal.  Welcome.  We are with you.

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BTW check out this awesome post from the other day:  She talks about those first days!

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Congratulations on the decision to quit smoking. You sound like you are ready and getting set to go.  You have read the suggested materials. We all have those fears but this wise elder Thomas3.20.2010 told me that fear is a False Expectation Appearing Real.  Welcome we are here to support you. We follow a golden rule that no matter what we don't take a puff.  NOPE there is no reason to smoke but just an EXcuse.  Get past that and you will win.  Quitting is doable.  1. 5 days and the journey begins.  This is not an event but a journey, one day at a time, one obstacle at a time one breath at time.  Here is one of his blogs./blogs/Thomas3.20.2010-blog/2015/10/13/fear-of-quitting?sr=search&searchId=993e374c-0c32-4680-81af-a... 


JAA13, I can feel the pain in your written words.  If you can look at how much better your life has been without that abusive person than try to use the same mindset to break up with nicotine.  No, it is not easy.  Nor is leaving a relationship even if it is not good, but you deserve better.  This is the end of hurt and the beginning of healing.  Stay close to this site.  It has been a lifeline for me and so many others.  One day at a time


We are "here" for you......and you CAN DO THIS !

Inspirational Quotes

Miles of Smiles.............


Thank you!!!!

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Welcome to the Ex.  You have done all the preparation to be successful.   Remember that some of the fear is really about how to handle situations in our lives that are so associated with smoking. I still have some of those fears.  That's why the preparation is so important because you've planned what you're going to substitute.  If you need help, reach out.  The support here has saved my quit several times.  It isn't easy, but you can do it.



Thank you all for your replies.  It helps to know I am not alone and that there really is support for this choice.  I think I will make coming here a regular thing. 

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