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Plotting the Path to a Happier You

Mayo Clinic
0 4 61

“Your life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn


When it comes to behavior change, some believe that motivation occurs spontaneously – that inspiration to change comes from external sources.  While there are situations or factors in our environment that can influence our motivational levels, it is a person’s intrinsic motivation – coming from within ourselves – that supports lasting change. 

As each of us is uniquely inspired by different values and passions, developing insight into what these are is critical in enhancing our motivation and courage to change.  An exercise the Tobacco Treatment Specialists at the Nicotine Dependence Center often ask patients to do is to imagine a future where they are at their happiest and healthiest.  How would their life be different when they reach this ideal place?  How would they feel?  What would they be doing in their new life?          


In taking time to visualize this destination, we can start to plot our roadmap for change.  Knowing where we are heading allows us to develop small, realistic goals that will move us steadily toward our ideal self. 

The Latin root for the word motivation means “to move”.  If you are contemplating the next steps in your life, don’t wait for change to happen.  Find inspiration within and outside of yourself and start plotting the path that will lead to a happier and healthier you

About the Author
An expert in tobacco use and dependence, Dr. Hays has authored and co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed scholarly articles and book chapters on various aspects tobacco dependence and its treatment. Since joining the Nicotine Dependence Center in 1992, he and its staff have treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.