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Share your quitting journey

polly2 Archived Profile

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I smoked for 39 years and have quit several hundred times, only to get caught up in the insanity of this dirty habit over and over again. Try to picture 426,000 cigarettes smoked. Ughhhh...It's not a pretty picture! I'm wondering if they would even fit in the room I'm sitting in right now! I'd rather look at pictures through my camera, thank you!

  I've come to realize that this is more of a mental addiction, than a physical one, that is firmly implanted in my subconscious. When cravings come, I negate them by thinking, "Smoking is not an option -- PERIOD!" That eliminates me from playing all the head games, which caused me to cave in every other time I quit. The support from this site is awesome! It has given me much to read, many ideas to strengthen my mental resolve, as well as a place to reach out for help. Helping others is often the best way to help ourselves! In the past, I focused on just getting through the physical cravings. My longest quit was for a year. I got caught in the "Just one won't hurt me trap!" God knows how many times I've done that! There is no such thing as one for me now!!

  I'm an outdoors kind of girl. My passion is water. I was sailing before I was even a thought! Today, I kayak as often as I can! Kayaking is awesome, because if you get in the right place at the right time, it's just you and the inherent beauties of Mother Nature! Somehow, smoking doesn't fit in too good -- LOL! Have you ever seen a picture of someone kayaking with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth? See what I mean?

  Half the fun for me is sneaking up on big Blue Herons (when I can find them). Usually I can get within 5-10 feet before they start to do their departure walk, which always ends in a huge wing-spanned flight. Watching them fly, while being so close, is absolutely breathtaking! By the way, their departure walk is hysterical to imitate -- very long legged and gawky -- sort of like a 10 foot person doing "Walk Like an Egyption," in slow motion!

  I'm also a writer. Short stories and poetry are my forte. I have a book in the making and I need to get it organized, edited and published. My 80 year old Mom is my Editor. Bless her heart, she does an awesome job! In addition, I am a sometimes Artist, although my artwork is really coming out more than not in my photography!

  "I see my life like a huge painted canvas. Deep, bright, muted, rich and varied colors with delicate designs fill it. It’s easy to get tangled in the small details, which can cause me to lose sight of the whole picture. I must always remember not to put too much clutter in my canvas, for when it loses its composition, then I too am lost. Good composition requires compatibility integrated with total harmony."

  This is one of my "Thoughts for the Day." It applies to smoking as well -- not getting too tangled in the details is another way of saying, "Don't analyze this too much with negative thought, JUST DO IT and put your mind to rest! Give your quit some well thought out composition!

  Thanks to all of you who have continually supported me and helped to pave the way for the rest of us! We're following in your footsteps. My wish for you is that we never, ever catch up with you!! Keep on keeping on!!

Your Become An EX Box

Tobacco companies continue to blatantly market their products to America's youth. Help stop Big Tobacco.
Join the fight to Stop Big Tobacco.

This is a tribute to the late Dan Fogelburg. I will always have a place deep in my heart for him. He "Shines in the Depth of My Darkness," and I hope he will for you too!"


Hmm...seems to be some sort of message here...

Even in the darkest gloomiest places, there is always light. That light lies within us. It’s up to us to use it, abuse it or lose it. -- Polly

Nemo, where are youuuuuuuuuuu?

Ah, a beautiful sweet smelling rose! However, a rose does have thorns. So what does this have to do with smoking? Remember that as beautiful as you are as a non-smoker (and you are), there will always be a thorn here and there to prick you along the way. However, what is a rose without it thorns?

Saint Francis wrote: "It is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven." I'd like to add that we, at times, are our own worst enemies, especially with the complex negative thoughts that wrap, weave and swirl around in our minds. For this reason it's important to forgive ourselves! I know that I wouldn't treat a friend the way I have and still do treat myself at times. I forgive me!!

My little buddy, "Stevey Wonder Dawg!"

Hey Ma, lookit me!

Sometimes the world seems to be upside down, when we think it should be right side up. Not too pretty, is it now? LOL! It's all a part of our imperfect, yet unique selves. It's up to us and only us to learn how to do flips!!

Custom Countdowns & MySpace Layouts Photobucket


Smoke from burning tobacco can settle into home aquariums. Many of the poisons in secondhand smoke, including nicotine and ammonia, are highly toxic to goldfish. Also, tobacco under your fingernails or nictotine stained fingers can pollute aquarium water and poison your goldfish.


Cancer causing agents can be found in a dog's hair and urine for months after being around secondhand smoke. dogs whose owners smoke are twice as liekly to develop cancer. Long-nosed dogs tent to get nasal and sinus cancer, while short-nosed dogs tent to get lung cancer.


Secondhand smoke gets on a cat's fur. When a cat cleans itself, it gets a large dose of the chemicals in the smoke. Cats who are exposed to secondhand smoke are three times as likely to develop lymphoma, a deadly cancer.


Birds have extremely sensitive lungs. Being around secondhand smoke may cause birds to have serious lung problems, including lung cancer.


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