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Share your quitting journey

Surgery Looms!

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Good morning Fellow EXer's! 48 hours from now I will not know anything that is going on! Some would argue that I have been in that condition for a long time! I will say that the messages from some of you have been taken to heart! I am not, nor do I need to be, Superman! I have postponed my cruise for four weeks! Thank you to those of you who reminded me that I have nothing to prove!

I am not coming here everyday in a cry for sympathy, or attention. I will however admit that I love attention! I am doing my best to chronicle what I am going through, both physically and mentally, because of the common addiction we share! I can not compete with Kellie in the classy, selfless way that she has shared her battle in her blog Nor can I walk you through the the waiting process that JoJo shared with us as we hoped and prayed for her new lung! I can only share the cold and ugly business of a quadruple by-pass! And it is just businesss as usual! A cottage industry built at the EXpense of addicts like me, and you! It is my hope that someone will read this and find a motivation they did not have before! As Maggie said on my last blog, if it reaches just one person then it has done its job!

Today is a busy day! I am trying to make sure that everything is taken care of, that I may not be able to tend to in the next couple of weeks! I go for pre-op this afternoon! So I should know all the details by the time the day is done! I have to go to the vascular surgeons office after pre-op so they can check the viens and arteries in my arms and legs. That way they will know which ones to harvest to make the by-passes! I don't like that thought! I have always had good legs(if nothing else) and I do not care for the idea of them cutting into a perfectly good leg! It is amazing that our bodies can provide the "spare parts" for us to take to the shop with us when we need repair!

The great Mickey Mantle was once quoted as saying "If I had known that I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!" Does that ring true with any of you? Oh, how cavalier we were! Our smart ass remarks to those who tried to warn us! "Gotta die of something" "This is one of my few pleasures" "That will never happen to me" "Who wants to be old anyway" "Live hard and fast. Die young, and leave a beautiful corpseI Ha ha ha!"! Where is the laughter now!

People! If you can't listen to the warnings on the side of the packs, listen to your friends! If you are drowning out the warnings of the very people who sell you your drug of choice, listen to us! It you can somehow ignore the warning that your own body is giving you, listen to those of us who once proudly proclaimed "That will never happen to me!!"! It can happen! It will happen! I beg you, to make, and be firm in a personal commitment to avoid, at all cost, the regrets that I feel today!       Tommy