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The Freedom Train! Joanne 1150 Days! Julia Amy TDC!!

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Good Morning fellow Exer's! Welcome, one and all, aboard the Freedom Train, as we make our daily run to Freedom from tobacco! I know that this site is about quitting smoking and learning to live without smoking! With that thought in mind, I am not going to mention that our Dear Sweet Friend Sandy(keptpromise) has a birthday today!! I have met Sandy, and though she claims to be more mature, going by looks, I am pretty sure she is about 38. Anyway, you should not go by her page and wish her a Happy Birthday! Because that is not what this site...... Ah, Hell! Go by there anyway! Happy Birthday Sandy!

The first stop for the Train today is a familar place! We are in Jasper and we are picking up Joanne! See Joanne has 1150 Smoke Free Days behind her! She embodies all that is good about this community! She quietly goes about the business of her quit! She share her happiness and joy with all of us, while staying above the fray in our occassional ruckus or rucki! So Joanne come aboard this Train and bring a suitcase! 1150 Days calls for an all-night party! We will drop you back off at the church in the morning!! Joanne, thank you for being part of out community! You are rocking your quit!

The next stop is in Connecticut! Julia Amy! There is a Train out here! Wake up! you have a busy day! You are being inducted into The Triple Digit Club! That is right folks, as we speak the hinges are being oiled on the doors of TTDC! On March the 30th, Julia Amy walked away from somking and joined us! That was 100 Days ago! We all know what a great milestone 100 Days is! So Julia Amy grab you prettiest party dress and get on this Train! And, by the way, save a dance for me! Please! There is a huge celebration about to start!

This Train is bound for FREEDOM from the Evils of tobacco and smoking!!



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