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Such a Bad Use of Time

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When we count up the toll of smoking, we often count the number of days we have been quit, the number of cigarettes we haven't smoked, the amount of money we saved ---- but not the amount of TIME we wasted before we quit.

I used an average of 20 minutes per cigarette.  When I worked, I had to get to and from the smoking area.  That involved waiting for the elevator twice and the length of each ride, walking to and from the smoking area, and then getting back to speed on my work.  When I was home, it meant stopping whatever I was doing, and just smoking.  I had so little hours in my personal time, raising two girls by myself, that I can only now imagine what I could have gotten done had I not smoked!

Using that 20 minutes in my calculations, I estimate I wasted 2.8 YEARS!  Not to mention the time wasted thinking about my next fix, buying them, checking to be sure I had enough for whatever length of time I needed to cover, etc., etc.

Truly, a bad use of my time!  How much did YOU waste?

About the Author
I smoked until a vascular surgeon informed me of the damage I had done to myself by doing so. I quit 11 years ago, and I can swim laps virtually FOREVER now, walk most other days 40 minutes to an hour and a half. What a difference quitting has made in my life! I strive to help others find this wonderful freedom from addiction, too.