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Blind Faith!

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Well I went to the opthamologist today. More challenges lie ahead for me. I have gross cataracts in my left eye leaving me essentially blind and I also have cataracts in the right  eye but can still see 20/25 with that one. 

After overcoming my bewilderment and shock I scheduled the surgery for Friday, Nov 4. The surgeon will remove my left cataract and replace my lens with plastic. Does it make anybody else shudder like it does me? Last night I had nightmares of watching a scalpel coming toward my eye! Creepy!

But it has to be done! 

Good news is these guys do dozens of these surgeries every day. They're very good at it! I'm to expect to be out of commission for just a couple of days before my sight is restored. Then in 2-4 weeks I go back under the knife for the right eye. I hope it's not so creepy that I have to force myself to do the second surgery!

I'm very grateful that I'm a solid EX-smoker. It will make the whole process easier and safer. I can't imagine letting Sickerette smoke float up into my eye after cutting my eye up! When I went in there was an older gentleman standing right at the door smoking a Sickerette. I felt so sorry for him I even forgot to get mad about the second hand smoke! 

Anyway I'm getting ready for the show tonight hoping that my future will allow me the blessing of sight! I love to read and would not cope well with it's loss!

I'm rambling and still shuddering so I'll just add

Smoke FREE is the only Way to BE!

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1